All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 136 in total

John Sutton-Smith: Witnessing as a way of life

Using personal stories and practical wisdom, John shares this week on what it means to practically share about the good news of Jesus with anyone. 

David Raynor: Growing like Peter part ii

In this second parter, David continues to share from the life of an ordinary person like Peter who can experience an extraordinary transformation through a journey of ...

David Raynor: Growing like Peter

David shares from 3 moments in the life of Peter in how he had taken steps to grow as an ordinary man into the plans, purposes and extension of God's Kingdom.

Geoff Grice: Gossiping the Gospel

Geoff shares on the importance of the gospel of Jesus becoming a normal part of our lives, in very arena, situation and circumstance. 

Geoff Grice: The cross

Geoff Grice shares around breaking of bread the meaning of the cross and the love that Jesus poured out onto all humanity. 

Dave Gregg: Life to its fullest

Dave summarises our Holy Spirit series bringing together the various facets that have been shared over the last few months and highlighting the common strands.

Internship programme offering

Here's our appeal to partner together in releasing two young people to help disciple and reach out to the younger generation. In this podcast we share how you can part...

Mike Rothwell: Are we there yet?

Mike Rothwell carries on our Holy Spirit series by asking us to think about where we are on our own journeys with God. The audio is damaged for the first 90 secs. It i...

Matthew Ling: Power of the Holy Spirit (part 2)

Matthew continues unpacking 1 Corinthians 2, explaining how we can live lives with the mind of Christ

Matthew Ling: The power of the Holy Spirit (Part 1)

Matthew shares from 1 Corinthians 2 on the power of the Holy Spirit

Su Gregg: Intimacy with the Holy Spirit

Su shares her personal story of feeling far away from God to rebuilding the relationship, explaining what practices she's done to help that process. 

Father's Day-Graham Burke: P.R.A.I.S.E

Graham shares on some of the key things we need to remember when we approach God as our father. 

Ali Rothwell: How real is your life?

Ali shares on how we need to ask ourselves three questions when thinking in relation to ourselves and our walk of obedience with God: who is asking? Who is empowering?...

Harry Pickett: Heart, family and region; what we can learn from Obed-Edom

Harry follow's on from his message on the Temple of the Holy Spirit by talking about how where one man embodied what it meant to value and hunger for the presence of G...

Harry Pickett: The temple of the Holy Spirit

Harry gives a short history of the tabernacle and temple to demonstrate how significant Paul's statement in 1 Corinthians was of how our bodies are temples of the Holy...

Testimony: Is Jesus alive?

The question of 'Is Jesus alive?' is the most important question of our day. Listen as Harry interviews different people of how Jesus shown Himself to be alive in thei...

Rodrigo Alves: Becoming a son or daughter of God

Rodrigo shares from Luke 8 on how their is a choice for each and every one of us to come and take a step closer to Jesus if we want life together with Him.

Geoff Grice: The sacrifice of Jesus

Geoff leads us into a sacred moment where we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus and the meal of bread and wine that Jesus called His followers to have to remember Him. 

Mike Rothwell: Rules of the house

This week, Mike shares some of the principles we see in scripture of how God's generosity moves us to be known as a community of generous people and those that put God...

Roger and Diane Aubrey: Going Global

Roger and Diane share practical ways in which we can take the message of the Gospel into our area's of influence to spread the life and love of Jesus. 

Roger Aubrey: Holy Power

Roger shares from the scriptures how God puts things in our hands that are set apart and holy to see his kingdom come. 

Malcolm Bisset: Breaking Chains

In this episode, Mal shares on how the sacrifice of Jesus has empowered the breaking of chains in our lives, whether they're big and strong or small and entangling. 

John Sutton-Smith: The Holiness of God

John uses three stories from the Bible to illustrate the importance of understanding that God is holy and that we must incorporate that into our lives in relationship ...

David Raynor: Be holy? Not me!

In this message, David shares on the holiness of God and how our pursuit of God's holiness brings wholeness to our lives. 

Geoff Grice: The Holy Spirit

Geoff gives a big introduction the the person of The Holy Spirit; who he is, what he does and why it matters. 

David Lyon: The Holy Spirit

David shares how the scriptures show that we are called not just to live in the power and fruit of the Spirit but in a deepand profound relationship with Him. 

Geoff Grice: God's purpose for you

Geoff shares, prompted by the Holy Spirit, an exhortation that he feels God had spoken to the church. This is God's purpose for you, to live in this reality in these d...

Ali Rothwell: Responding to the prophetic

Ali shares with us about the importance of responding together to God's word so that we take an active role in fulfilling the prophetic word over our lives individuall...

John Sutton-Smith: Lessons from Jesus at the well

John and Julia read the story of Jesus meeting a Samaritan woman at a well in John 4. They look at what we can learn from a master at work in bringing people into the ...

Harry Pickett: Changing the landscape when walking through a valley of weeping

Harry shares from a number of scriptures, how we need to pick up our spade of praise, repair our altars and participate in our transformation to impact and influence t...

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