All Episodes

Displaying 91 - 120 of 143 in total

Geoff Grice: Dedicated to Jesus

Geoff shares on the importance and power of giving your whole life to Jesus.

David Raynor: The laying on of hands

David unpacks this vital foundation with 5 areas of why the laying on of hands is crucial for the everyday follower of Jesus.

Keri Jones: What is an elder

This week, Keri shares on what are the qualities and functions of a church elder.

Harry Pickett: Baptism in water

Harry shares from the Bible on why it is important for every follower of Jesus to be baptised.

Ali Rothwell: Worship God in truth

Ali shares on the importance of coming to God just as you are

Su Gregg: Easter Sunday

Su leads us as we reflect on the abundant life that Jesus has given each one of us.

Harry Pickett and Miriam Smith

Harry shares from Mark 6 and the importance of the story of the loaves when we find ourselves in tough times before interviewing Miriam about how God has been working ...

Geoff Grice: The awesome house of God

Geoff shares on how the gathered church can come together and share powerfully together, encouraging one another in the Spirit to be equipped to go out and see God's k...

Malcolm Bisset: the fruit of faith

Malcolm picks up on the foundation of faith by sharing on it's fruit and looking at the example of Stephen

Roger and Diane Aubrey: What is faith?

Roger and Diane both strip back the meaning of faith to give us the keys to operate successfully in it.

Roger Aubrey: Hope-the foundation of faith

Roger unpacks here how hope is the coat hook on which we hang our faith.

Harry Pickett: Disorientation and the plan of God

Harry shares this week how God uses challenging circumstances in our lives to bring about disorientation so that they can be reoriented toward Him.

Geoff Grice: The hovering Spirit

Geoff shares this week on the importance on being ready and responsive together with the Holy Spirit

Ali Rothwell: A season of intent

Ali shares a prophetic word that she's been carrying for a while about what we need to do in order to practically bring the life of Jesus to the world.

David Raynor: Nothing is impossible with God

David shares on how we can become natural in the supernatural, in particular with guidance on how we can move and share words of knowledge.

John Sutton-Smith: Reflections on the PAST, the PRESENT and the FUTURE.

John shares today on how best we can look at our past, present and future.

David Lyon: Feeding the 9000

David visits from Living Rock church to share with us some key principles from the two stories where Jesus feeds 5000 and then 4000 people.

Geoff Grice: God is sovereign

Geoff shares the last of our anchors on God's sovereignty in the world.

Dave Gregg: God loves me

Dave shares the third anchor, namely that God loves me, often described as some of the most difficult words to say.

David Raynor: God is all powerful

David shares the next anchor in our series on God being all powerful

Harry Pickett: God is good

Harry kicks off our anchors series on God is good.

Dave Gregg: It's time to recalibrate

Dave encourages us to use worship as a time to recalibrate and draw close to Jesus

Geoff Grice: It's going to cost more

Geoff Grice shares this week on the cost of following the real Jesus.

Testimony Sunday

Listen to some stories of how God has been present in people's lives in amazing ways

Harry Pickett: Are you feeling comfortable?

Harry leads us in breaking bread by sharing a passage from Exodus 32 about the golden calf.

David Raynor: There must be a bigger picture

David shares from psalm 73 about how we can meet God in the midst of pain and suffering.

Ali Rothwell: What path home will you choose?

What path home will you choose? Listen and find our what Ali as to share with us...

James Aubrey: Who is a sower?

James shares from Mark 4 on the parable of the sower. He helps us to identify who the sower really is.

Malcolm Bisset: The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

Malcolm shares with us the last parable in our series from Matthew 13.

Matthew Ling: What the world needs now

Matthew shares with us how we can bring the presence of God to the world in this season.

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