Arne Skagen: Together as the Body
but it's really good to be back with the family. I'm not a guest. I'm a brother. That's the funniest title, isn't it? To be a brother or a sister?
But it's really good to be here. And it's really good to sense, there is something in a new, something fresh in the church. I'm not just saying this to be polite, I am polite. But that's not the reason I'm saying it. But I really mean that. But when I came in tonight, I saw this suddenly a picture of a new one.
Sick. And I believe you are drinking a new one tonight. And God will pour out more wine. And, And I feel there is a new season for community, church and so forth. It will be a new season in your life. What has been, has been, can be bad stuff can be really good stuff. But when Jesus said, follow me, it means we also have to leave what was good yesterday.
I live today and today is the only day you can live. So it shouldn't take me. I'm 67 though I know I don't look more than 66. Yeah, yeah I know, I know. Be quiet. But it hit me suddenly that, you know, I actually lived every day. I haven't skipped one day.
So, for me, I struggle, but I'm going to plan some things next month. So next. The next year. But today I'm okay. I can see God for today. And that's my life. And that's your life. Don't make things so complicated when it comes to what God will use you and your calling and what you should do so, so hard and so difficult that we place it in the future.
The only day we live and serve God is today. Praise God and what was good yesterday, thank God. But God has more things for us that would be even better than what has been. Amen. So in Norway we have this famous film. There are more films, but this is a group of people or three, old guys that is robbing banks.
And the leader, his name is Ed Gordon. He always have a plan, but it never works. It's crazy the never able to do it. But then they have another plan. But this guy, he always had a plan. And, God also have a plan. And hope you know what that plan is. But that plan has one name.
And that name is, Jesus. So when God, wanted to fellowship with me and, he wanted to, to make it possible for us to have fellowship with him, he sent Christ because there was a gap between you and me and him. And that gap was called sin. The sin is not what you do wrong, what I do.
But the thing is, it's, it's, something that is in, in, What is this English word? It's infected us. You can't remove it. We are sin us. And, And there is nothing we can do about it. That's that's not a good situation. But then Jesus came without sin, and he wanted to pay the price because the the penalty of sin is death, and Christ came without sin.
And the reason for that is so that you could give him your sin. And he took upon all the sins of the world. He became sin, and he died on the cross. He took the death penalty upon himself. My death penalty, your death penalty. And he died on a cross. But Jesus is not dead. We know that. We believe that he was raised from the dead, and he went back to the father and know Jesus is seated at the father's right time.
So God's plan was Jesus. And we know when Jesus came, he was born, he grew up, and then he came to the River Jordan. And then he got baptized by John the Baptist. And when Jesus came up from the water, he saw an open heaven. He heard his father's voice saying, son, I love you. I'm so pleased with you.
And then and then the Holy Spirit came upon him and filled him. And then he started his new ministry. And then Jesus went the wrong extreme was 38. He went the wrong. He was doing good. He healed everybody who was under the devil. He was anointed with with the wind, with God's power, with the Holy Spirit. God was with him.
My Norwegian Bible says Jesus was able to do all the things he did because the father was with him. You know, Jesus said, it is the father that does his work in me. So Jesus left heaven and became a man, and he got the body, Jesus, the carpet, and so on from Nazareth. And in that body. And he was limited in that body.
He could only be one place at the time in that body. He was, serving Christ and fulfilled God's plan for him. I know Jesus is in heaven, but do you know what God's plan is? The same. It is Jesus. That the body he will use. It's not a competition from Nazareth. It is community church from Southport.
It is the body of Christ.
One head Christ, one body. Many parts. Yeah.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
First Corinthians 1227. And listen to this. Listen to this. Now you are plural. We you are the body of Christ. And each one of you, each one of you is a part of it. You are a part of the body of Christ.
If you want to hear from Jesus, if you want to hear from the head, you need to be a part of the body. If I take this finger, this is a Norwegian thumb. If I cut it off, it will die. But if it's on a body, it will move because the head tell it to move. And. And it's not alone.
I cannot pick up this Bible, but because there is another part of the body, we can do it. And I can do this, and I can do this, of course, because the thought told me to do it. But anyway, you are a part of the body of Christ, and you are a part of God's plan for support. Amen.
And if I can read from second Corinthians six, so not only are you the body of Christ, but listen to this. Do you not know? So this is something you have to know. This is something so important for us. Do you not know that your bodies are a temple? That's my friend, said earlier. A temple for the Holy Spirit who is in you?
Who is the same spirit who was there in the beginning? When was, hoovering or hovering? I don't know, but maybe both. Over the waters. And then God spoke a word and he said, be light. And the spirit and the word came together, and a light came, the same spirit who raised Christ from the dead, the same spirit who was in Christ, the same spirit is in you.
Amen. Whom you receive from God. You are not your own. You were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies. I find it fantastic to know that when I receive Christ, I mean, I still have the same body. I'm sorry, but it was not like I have long black hair before. Curly hair before I got saved.
I know God got this, but I got a new spirit on the inside. And you have. And you receive Christ. You receive a spirit to. So then Jesus is saying that a spirit and His spirit is one. What does it mean for you that the spirit, God, the Holy Spirit, God on earth, is living in you, in your body?
Your body is pay. You don't belong to you, but he is in you, and he will use you, and he will work in us, with us and through us. You don't lack anything when it comes to the Great Commission or the commission of or the mission of reconciliation. You don't like anything if you let him fail you, and if when you obey him so that he can use your.
Because if he lives in you, which voice do you think you will use? Which hands do you think you would use? It's not about if you are shy, you're not shy. If you can do this and you can do that, it doesn't matter. But he is Christ in you. Yes, and everything Christ did except from the cross. Jesus is telling us that we can do because.
Because the same source that was the driving force in Christ, living and breathing in all the believers that but some armor. Amen. So again.
Two years ago we got we got a new kitchen in the house. My wife, she loves tea and a coffee drinker. And one thing she really wanted was this, cooker. So she could just, like, open up. And I was, boiling water, and then she have a cup of tea. One day, I was sitting in a dining room and I heard my boys scream in the kitchen, and I was just sitting there.
No, no, no, I was just running into the kitchen, and I saw her arm coming up, and she had burned herself. And I was looking at that, and we didn't have anything like medicine. So we just cool it down and cold water. And I was just looking at that. And I find it very interesting. And I just saw that.
And after a while it started to be red. And then you got some, bubbles of what you call it. And then there was and I was just no, that and a couple of days and it's changed, you know. But you know what? On the end, you can never see it. She didn't go to the doctor. And I found in the body in her body it was something the healed.
The thing. In the body there was healing. We saw that this morning. A people was praying for each other because God has given to the church the body gifts in me. If you read in second Corinthians 13, it's about the love of God, chapter 11, it's about the church and the chapter 12. It's about the gifts of the spirit given to the church.
And I believe, as Jesus was the answer to the world when he came and he went around and he was demonstrating the kingdom by healing people, by casting out demons, people was at three blind eyes. Open people was, how Jesus was bowing down, lifted people up. He was proclaiming the kingdom. He was showing the kingdom. And everything I do was to testify about the father.
But everything he did was in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was not by might and not by power, but by the spirit. The same spirit that is in you and us, the same spirit that is in us. Don't say to me that you can't do what he tells you to do, but let the Holy Spirit use his body the way he wants to use it.
Amen. I've been traveling a lot the last year, and I've been in different places and different nations, and there is something going on all over the place. Yes, it's bad stuff happening. Yes, darkness is getting bigger, but the smallest light will overcome the greatest darkness. And we are the children of the light. We are the city on the on the top of the mountain.
We are the body of Christ that will demonstrate the Kingdom of God in the fallen world. We are going answer to solve. But and I hope you are a part of the body. Amen, Amen. And Jesus said, follow me. And the man said, yes, Lord, but. And then Jesus said again, follow me. Yes, Lord. I will, but I.
Then Jesus said, no one who puts the hand on the plow and look back is fit for the kingdom of God. Following Christ means we have to move forward, not backwards. Following Christ means you focus on him, not on yourself. If I look at myself, I will be disappointed. Sorry. Coming into the bathroom in the morning and see myself in the mirror, I got shock.
That's why my hair is starting just like this. But then I said, Praise God, I'm so it's okay. But the thing is, following Christ is the Christ is active by the Holy Spirit in Southport. Christ is working with people. I have seen people all over the place that maybe there were people that were so negative and so hard, but then you meet them and you see something has changed.
Why? Because God is working with them and know his calling upon his body. I need somebody who can be my love in flesh and blood, and they ask you on me. He will lead you and me to people when we follow him. Christ in Luke ten says, Christ came to see what was lost to save. And how do you think Christ is seeking if it's not through his body, through you and me?
I was a long time ago. I was going to see Mister Brian Schutz or good friend. He was a really good friend, and I was with him many times. And one time we should, we should. We was going to talk about how to reach people forward for with with the, with the gospel and see people saved on me.
Very important stuff. So we went into this restaurant, we found a table in the corner because we wanted to be alone, because we was going to talk about, how God can come in his salvation and see people saved. So very important stuff. And, and we came in there and, we there was this old man, we asked if I could help him because he had his tea and his cake there, and I just help it over to the table and but then again, I had to leave him because I was going to talk about this important things.
And I did I went to talk with Brian. And every time I turned, there was a man over there, old man. But I had to look at Brian. But, you know, I said, Brian, I'm sorry. I felt Jesus was seeking through me and my eyes was there with Brian, but my heart was with this man. Remember Romans five five.
God poured out his heart, his love and over heart by the Holy Spirit. And I followed my heart, and my heart took me to that man.
Percy Douglas, the Douglas Percy 90 year old wife, was dead. His children was living in Australia. He was lonely. But then Christ came to a simple guy from Norway. I am not perfect, but Christ. This. And I sat down with him and started to talk, and the Holy Spirit was working. And then suddenly he opened up his life and Christ moved on the inside and and, Douglas received Christ.
And Brian was talking to him afterwards to make contact. Oh, yeah. You're you know what? Your heart would take you to people where you had no religion.
But Christ wants to use his body. And when you are a part of that body, remember, no one can take your place. Yeah, but if I don't do that, somebody else will know.
There is a place only for you, designed for you, that you can feel. And when you feel, you don't need to compare with others because nobody can do the same thing like you do and you haven't anointing from a ball. You have the power of God with you. You have God. Stamp on your head that you, this is your place and this is where you can serve.
And God will anoint you to do everything cause you to do. And you are not alone. You are part of something bigger than you. Remember. Christ in you is more than enough for you and bigger than you, because he is still the Savior of the world. He is in us and and he wants to get out. Not all of us, but when us.
All men and other. Jesus is saying in Matthew four he said, come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men means no one of us is born. Fisher of men. But Christ is saying, if we follow him, he will make you not the next person that you. To become a fisher of man. He will show you how to do it.
And then he would say, John no less. So Rebecca, look at me and do it because you have the same spirit, living and breathing inside of me. I know Jesus is also baptized. He went off to be with the father, and the moment heaven was open, he saw the Spirit of God descending like a doe. And and it came over him and, and heard his voice saying, this is my son, whom I love, and him I'm well pleased.
And then the spirit filled him. And then immediately he was led by the spirit into the wilderness. And Jesus ministry started, and then everything to do. He was led by the spirit. And then he was on the cross. He he was finished. He had fulfilled everything God has called in to do. And then he said, it is fulfilled.
And he gave up his spirit. The spirit went back to the father. Jesus died. Then the spirit came and Jesus was raised from the dead, went back to the father. And no one day of Pentecost you have 120 is sitting and waiting. Before God. Jesus promised them, because Jesus said, you have to wait. You have to wait until you will receive power from above.
And, so no, they are waiting. And then it says, and listen to this, on the day of Pentecost, they came and they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound were like a blowing wind, and it came from heaven. God was breathing over them, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed like tongues and fire.
And it's and listen to this. And then it separated, and it came to rest on each one of them.
And then it says, and then everybody was filled with the Holy Spirit and begin to speak in other tongues, and the spirit enabled them. And then they left the building. And then they continue to do the work of Jesus Christ. The things that he done. Can I just ask you, do you know God, the Holy Spirit, the person, the advice, the one person that led Christ, Christ in everything he did when he was walking around in the body from Nazareth, Jesus from Nazareth?
Do you know him? Not just as a presence, not just us. Something you hear about when a gift is moving or something you hear about when things are happening? Do you know him in your everyday walking? In your sleeping? In your family? Do you know him? When you face this huge mountains in your life? Because if you know him, you will have fellowship with him.
You will understand that as Christians you have two opportunities. You can try to live the old life that Jesus killed on the cross, or you can live the new life that was raised from the dead with Jesus. The Bible says in Romans eight two. Galatians five, many places live by the spirit. As Christians, this only way we can fulfill and live out what God has for us as individuals and also as a church, is to live by the Holy Spirit.
The best thing ever is to follow Christ so that he can use us.
The woman at the well. When Jesus filled her with the living water, she run into the village and said, come and meet the man who told me everything I can. You shouldn't be Messiah. She had been born again for two seconds, and now here you have the disciples coming back from the same village with packets full of food from Tesco.
But that was the only thing they had. The smart guys who have been with Jesus for a long time, but for her he met Christ and he changed her life upside down. She just got the love of God living and breathing inside of her. And the first thing she did, she left the water here and she run into the village and it was her who brought the village to Christ, not the disciples, because she allowed Christ to speak through her, because she realized he shouldn't be Messiah, the Savior of the world.
Also for my village, not just for me. What about your neighborhood? What about your family? What about support? What are we waiting for? I feeling I think God is waiting for us.
It was a great prophetic word. I think we have heard from the same God.
God need you. I know he is sober up. I know we can do all the things he will, but he have chosen and I don't get it. But I love it that he have included us. It's in his heavenly plan for this earth. Jesus. Thank you. I messed it up so many times. I'm not perfect clothes. Don't ask my wife.
But. But he is not looking for perfect people. Is looking for his body.
And you are. I hope, a part of. And if you are here. And if you're a Christian and you are not a part of anything, well, let me say this. This is a fantastic family and you are welcome to join us on this rescue mission on this earth, serving the brothers and sisters. And they could lead us and we just work together.
And in this family there are healing, there are power, there are friendship. And we love each other. We don't compare. We don't compare. Because I don't need to compare because there is some God given limitation in my life. I need Jeff and he needs me together, together, together. God has a plan. Hallelujah! Thank you father. I was reading in John chapter 320 and you said, look, I stand at the door and this is through the church.
At church. Look, I stand at the door and I knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and I will share a meal together as friends. My question is, how on earth Christ, come on the outside. I don't believe Christ is on the outside of this church. But the thing is, sometimes God can be knocking on us and remember the door.
Especially because the handle is on our side, not on his side. And I don't know about you. The husband sees in my life, but I realized that I had to open that door I couldn't hide behind. Being an evangelist. Titus doesn't mean anything. And anyway, that gift is given through the church. It doesn't belong to me, so I can't take any credit.
But what do I do? Who is the driving force in your life right now?
Don't get used to the church. We can go to church. We can do things like just because we do it. That's habits. It's a good habit. But Christ crosses in you. He will use you. You are part of a church. God has a plan for help for community church. And so put the year this year to increase year.
It is a year of growth. Yeah, but the growth is not going this way. It's also going this way. So if you have a big tree in a storm, it's not what you see that will tell if the treatment is down or not. It's what you don't see. It is the roots. Where do you have your roots?
But you are part of a body. And if we can really find each other and to get each to get to know each other, all of the spirit, not just of the flesh. Bad English maybe, but you understand what I'm saying. Because if I'm used to a church, I can go to church with no expectation. And that's exactly what you got.
Nothing. But if you come and you expect things, you come in. You said, wow, we go to church today and we will meet God. I will meet my family. But I expect God to do something. And God give me at least one thing that I could give to somebody else. But yeah, then you come with an excellent expectancy or expectation.
Thank you. Hallelujah. My Norwegian is still better than your English, so that's okay. Matthew five is saying that you are plural. We the church. We are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It's no longer good for anything except for be thrown out and trampled on the fruit.
And then you are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither can people light a lamp and put it under a boat. Instead, they put it in a stone and it gives light to every one in the house. The same way, let your light shine. Let your light shine. I have been, you know, sometimes when I meet people, certain things happen around me.
Not because I'm special, of course I'm special. And my wife's tell me all the time, but it must mean something that you have Christ living in you by His spirit. It must mean something that we are a part of the the body of Christ. It must mean something when the Bible tells Christ in us hope of glory, don't just make it personal because Christ is always bigger than me.
Yes, he is my hope of glory. He is our hope of glory, but he is still the hope of glory for Southport, for this world. But he lives in you. And then when we meet people, something will happen. There is an anointing there and Christ is seeking to us.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit come upon you and you will be my witness. Christ came and he was witness about the father. If you have seen me, you have seen the father. Everything Jesus did was what you could see the father was doing. And John 519 and we are witness about Christ with our life, but also when I follow Christ, something did follow me.
When you follow Christ, something we follow you signs and wonders. We don't follow them. They follow us because in the body it is healing. In the body Christ is salvation is restoration is deliverance. Hope. This is.
All meant. And my prayer is for myself and all my traveling. If we only could see what we already have been given, and some of us are praying prayers that God never will answer because you already have.
Think about that. If you really see and understand that the Spirit of God, God Himself, God the Holy Spirit lives in you just got to take a moment. Close your eyes. Maybe. What does it mean for you if you look at your circumstances, your life situation, what does it mean that the Holy Spirit. Lives in you? The same spirit who filled Christ.
The same spirit who raised him from the dead.
Can I just ask you for four days? Take 15 minutes every day. Four days, and meditate on that fact that the Holy Spirit, the God, the Holy Spirit, lives in you for a purpose, for your life, for your living, but also for your ministry, for the doing. Amen. I believe something will happen. It's called revelation. Revelation. You can live.
Knowledge and wisdom is good, but revelation creates life.
And my prayer is we got to know the anointing in us, the presence of God, the good power, the anointing that come over us, that makes us going from the natural to the supernatural. The calling upon us. It will demand more of us than we are able to do. But then we have the Holy Spirit that make us and lift us over the natural.
So that we can do what Christ, or let him do what only he can do through you. I am seeing people was born paralyzed, never been able to walk, and I prayed for them and suddenly they started to walk. I can't do it. But he come and I have seen people born blind, receiving sight. I could do it.
But he that. But it was my hands. Or maybe it was his hands, because I belong to his body and we don't compare miracles. A little thing for you could be another some miracle. Like for some some. I received a text not long time ago and the text said hello. My name is, John. It was not. It was a Norwegian I, but you can't pronounce it anyway, so let us call him John.
And I hope you are the right on a again, I say, so do I. There is another guy call on us, Gog, and he is the lead. Sing in the black metal. Done and over with long black hair. That's not me and is not my twin brother. Father, we pray for salvation. So. But, But so I said, yeah, I hope you on us go.
And that is not. I was reading four years ago. I was given up. I was full of cancer and I was going to have an operation. But everything went well, but everything went wrong. And I woke up with terrible pains. And I was thinking, why? Why is telling me this? And I certainly I remember four years earlier I was going to see, shit in the middle of nowhere, and I was flying.
And when I'm on, flying, I always ask God, not always. Most of the time I will ask God because you are closer to God. Yeah, about theology, but, you know, man, but I ask us, God, if for anything you want me to do, I'm here. And then I felt that I should pray for a man with cancer.
I prayed, you know, for a year, for healing and another fellowship. Pray for come against pain and God. This name came to my mind, John. So I prayed for John. I mean, didn't pray loud so it was not a risk, but just praying in and pray for healing. And then I forgot it. And I came up this church Friday evening meeting.
Fantastic. Next morning seminar, two seminars with the break and when I came close to the break, it came back to me. And then I asked the people, 300 people that come here, pray for it. I believe God spoke to me about the man called John. He is, he is nearly dying or full of cancer, and he's tremendous pain of people, was generous and stood up and we prayed.
And in that congregation, John's brother in law was in the break. He's calling him, I know, a reading. And then I woke up with tremendous pain. And then a nurse come in with my phone and said, somebody is calling you. I took the phone and then I heard my my brother in law saying, I'm in a meeting. There was this man from Bergen, God can use somebody else.
But no, it was me. But I give him all the online away. So I said there was his man for Bergen. He said he on a flight on a on a plane. He was. God spoke to me about John and praying for my cancer. No pain and then I read and in a moment I heard my brother in law brought that word.
The power of God came upon me and I got totally healed. Pain disappeared, and I've been cancer free for four and a half year. Amen.
But the thing is, it's not about me at all. It's about the body of Christ. Because I'm a part of the body and God speaks to us. It can be small things. It can be big things. It can be sowing seeds. But the point is that God will use his body and we need to be available for him.
And for me, that simple prayer, sometimes I don't even mean it. I say Holy Spirit, it's about anything you will you want to do, you want me to do for you? That means of turn on the radio so I can receive the signals in the room and just let it be on all the time so that God can speak to you in different ways.
Small prompting, a little thought. You can hear this voice. It can be all kind of things. But God is speaking to his body. Sometimes I can be sitting in my chair in my dining room and I said, Holy Spirit. And sometimes I feel I've done more sitting and listening and then do things. So making a call. I've been more effective sitting there and in some of my traveling around the world.
Just let him find us. Jesus came to find what was lost to save and let him find us. Let him hit us. Here we are, the body of Christ in support. And father, we are ready to be used by you. Amen. I was reading about David and Goliath, and David was going to fight Goliath, and the king came with his armor and put this armor on on Goliath.
And, and he couldn't do it. It was impossible. But when it took off the armor and then he was just doing it in the anointing of God. But God has given him. He conquered Goliath. You have what you need to do, what God has called you to do. And remember the spirit in you is for living, but the spirit upon you is for service.
For what we can do. And the Holy Spirit is eager. He's waiting for us. He will fill us the moment we said, Jesus, have your. And then we act and we share the gospel. He will convince about sin and guilt. We lay hands on the sick and he will heal. We help. We encourage, and he will work through us.
We sow seeds, he give growth, and we obey and we act. And he will make us be fishers of man. We drink of the spirit and we fill us with the word. Faith is coming. We follow him and signs and wonders follow us. And we are a movement because we are moved by the Holy Spirit and we are the body of Christ.
So God, here we are. Your body, father and I pray. Father, I pray for us. I pray for community, church and so forth. Father, give us a revelation. Father, let us see for that what you already have given us for the prayers we prayed. Father, because you already have answered, and you have failed us with yourself, with your own body.
So, father, we, we, we believe that, and we receive that. Father, and we will just give us a fresh to you again. And here we are, father, to do your will. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship and the communion, the friendship, the koinonia, be windows everyone of us in our everyday walking, under an open heaven, following the head.
Allowing the Holy Spirit to use your voice, my voice, our hands, the money we have that to give into the body so that God can use it the way he want. And also that we just welcome, what he will do in or through us. And we get out there and we bring the love of God, the salvation from Christ, and the life of the Holy Spirit with us.
When we meet people. And I believe, I believe, and I careful, but I believe that this church, the next two years will grow where more than 30% of what we have today. And it's not objects, it's people. But that's what I sons I want to say. I know I've said it, that's what I believe. And I also believe that this is something that the Holy Spirit is prompting, and you will be a part of that.