Dave Gregg: So much more in '24
Your enthusiasm overwhelms me. I am blown away. The chance. If everybody could please take your seats. The meeting will commence in 5 seconds. Yeah. All right. Arms crossed and fingers on lips. And this morning. Guess why we're here. We're here to worship the Lord and Savior. Who gave his only son who died? He sacrificed his only son so that we could have everlasting life.
And be with him forever in paradise. He's forgiven our sins. He has. And he's made a way for us to draw near to him. This morning. To be in relationship with him. To speak to him. To have his healing power and his Holy Spirit live in us. Amen. To be able to touch heaven this morning with our songs and to have His Holy Spirit come down and minister through us.
To us. And for us. And for the people. What a privilege, everybody. You should be on your feet. I can't believe you're not on your feet. I'm sure that we're going to start with. Yes. And amen. And whatever promises God has given you for 2024. You know what his answer is? Is yes and amen. Amen.
But never seem to have the time to see again a father trying the Bible. You have to see your child. See what you fed for everything you fed. you are. your promises. Yes, ma'am. God. From the stage. Yes, ma'am. Beautiful savior for me. Did you call me from the ashes? You have broken every blessed sky to lie down.
But since you are Bilbo forever, you will be fall in all your promises yesterday and all your promises. And I will rise in your promises. My confidence, his faithfulness. Which is in your promises. My confidence in your faithfulness. I Whereas in the provinces, I confess it's your performance. I will rise in your promise as I confess, is your performance.
So you are safe from everything you will be. You are all your promises. Yesterday, man. All your promises before you are. for you, I faithful forever. You. For you. All your promises are Yes. And then I promise. Yes, I will rest in your promises. My confidence in your faithfulness will rise no less in your promises. My cup and is your faithfulness.
I will rise in your promises, my love and your faithful. I will read in your promises. My confidence is your faithfulness. I will rest in your promises. My confidence is your faithfulness. I will rest in your promises. My confidence is your faithfulness for you. All. 000 everything. You will be. O o you all your promises. Yes, and day may all your promises yesterday.
And all your promises. All your promises. I guess today may know your promises on your promises I guess. And then all you hope all your promises yesterday may all your promises. Yes. Sunday, man Faithful, you stole from forever. You will be faithful. But you. your promises. Yes, they may. Yeah. Okay. Jesus. God says my promise for you this year is increase in man.
But are you ready for change?
When this church came into being 40 years ago, 12 people met in each other's homes. That was increase. That was growth. Amen. And that necessitated a change. 20 years ago, the church came into these premises because there had been increase, there had been growth. There have been development, but change was necessary. And the church came into these premises, which were very different from what they are now, hard wooden pews, a magnificent pipe organ, no baptistery, a communion table that some called an altar.
Here was a pulpit so the preacher could stand six feet above contradiction that the people have come and people have gone. The original people are still around. Those who are still with us and that there has been change because there has been increase, there has been growth. And if you are looking for increase in growth and development and advance this year, are you ready for change?
Because that is what will happen. So as you grow up, we've just had a week of of three days this week of prayer and fasting is a good thing to do because it gives us the opportunity to listen to what God is saying. And I felt God speaking to me during the week and I scribbled some notes down.
I believe this is what God will say to us this time. God will say this Open the doors and open the windows of your life and pull up the blinds and drove out the curtains, says the Lord, because I want to come and breathe a fresh upon you. New life, a new light. He says. I'm coming to breathe in the breath of my spirit and blow through this house.
Not because I am disappointed with you, said God, but because I've seen your hunger, I've seen your passion, and I've heard your cries. And I'm coming to breathe new life into you and to take you from where you are to where you long to be for what is a breath, your God and the moving of the spirit, the changes, everything.
It was a breath of my spirit, says God that took out of him who was but dust and brought him into being a living man full of life without my spirit blowing through. You says God, you are just dust in my head. It was a wind in my spirit that brought that plague of locusts to Egypt. And on the wind of my breath I will remove from you, says God, the locusts that have ravaged you and I will restore you the years that the locals have eaten, says God.
If you open the doors and you open the windows and you pull back the curtains and you open the blinds and let me come in again, says, God, it was my breath that opened the sea for Moses, and it was my breath that closed his sea upon his enemies and my breath will open in ways that you thought were impossible, says God, And my breath will take you through the waters and my breath will destroy your enemies.
It was my breath that gathered dry bones spread across the valley floor, and it was my breath to fill them and made them a great and mighty army. A my breath, my by my breath. I will gather from across this region, says God, a body drawn from the deepest valleys of life. And I will breathe my life into them and they will become a great and a mighty army.
It was my breath on the day of Pentecost that came like a looking mighty wind energizing and transforming my church into men and women who turned the world upside down. And the breath of my spirit will blow upon this House, says the Lord. From the youngest to the oldest. So open the windows and open the doors and pull up the blinds and move back the curtains says, God, I'm coming with a breath of heaven to blow away the dust.
And the cobwebs settled on that. We should be active. I'm coming to revitalize that which was once full of life by breathing my breath again through this house, says, God, my breath is never stale. Everything I breathe upon says God is made fresh for my kisses of the kisses of life. I'm coming to perform a make over upon you, to remodel you, to lift you to higher ground, to take you all the deeper things, to open you to new spheres of new influences and new operations To take you higher, to take you deeper, to take you wider.
Let there be light, says God. The light of fresh revelation flood into the house, the light of new insight and freshness. The vision that in your continued journey with me, you may walk in a new dimension of my plans and my purposes so that everything is disturbed by the wind of change. And as my breath rushes through the house like a great cyclone, it will blow away everything not rooted in me, that there will be challenge, but there will also be the thrill of new things I'm doing among you.
The throngs of new people that I'm sending to you. There's a sound says God from heaven, the sound of rustling in the treetops. There's a scent of living water in the air for the small cloud, the size of a man's hand in the distant sky. But it is drawing closer and it's getting bigger. Bigger. So prepare yourself now.
Say, is God open every door, open every window, pull up every blind drawback every good week. Like God, come and breathe new life into us in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. Amen. I think one of the all of the time is coming. And now is for this word. The time is coming When God will blow, life will breathe life.
But the time now is God will do it. He is doing it now. So now is the time. Open the curtains right now. Right here. Open those curtains, Throw open the windows and open your life to the breath of the Lord. Right now, right here. Let the king go from the mound to where the fountain is. Well. my God.
He's the shadow. Where the ransom of my life. my. I'm the king. Let now my crown to wear around the dream. yes, Thank you. My version. Know the ransom for my life? my. You, you. The giving of my money to where the fountain I drink from now tied to the ransom for my the king to stop myself.
Yes, to raise money. So, yes.
God to fire inside my bed. To go on my days. Jesus, My star. You are good. Good. you are good. Good one. you are good. Good flower. You are good 101. Never get to know that. Never got to know that Me young man that can never get me. You're never gonna get me You're never that And you're never, ever.
You're never gonna get me that door never, Never got many times and you're never gonna. You're never coming back. Never gonna let me down. Young ever gonna get Never gonna let me in time You're never gonna get never gonna miss me down, down. You're never gonna let, never gonna let you are good, good you are a good one You are good one you are good, good, good one.
we're singing about. You're the shadow in which I hide. God says this is not the time for hiding. It's time to come out of hiding. You are singing. I will never let you down. I will never let you down. You're singing. I am the fountain you drink from I am the fountain you drink from. So I'm saying to you this morning It is time to come out of hiding.
It is time to come out of the shadows. It is time to be noticed. It is time to be the light. It is time to be the salt. Don't just sing the words Take courage, my people. Because I have you. You're mine and I will send you And I will bless you and I will guide you. And I will be the light.
I will be the guide. But it's time to come out of hiding. You're never gonna that never gonna let me that you're gonna like the last Never gonna let me down. No, never, never gonna let me down Ya never gonna let you Never gonna let me down. You're never gonna land Never gonna let me down You're never gonna let never gonna let me down.
You're never gonna let never gonna let me down. Ya never go nowhere You are good You are you get one you are good one you are good good. I love you. I'm good. one. Nice. You know, there are some times you go into my house and there's a there's a chair there, and, you know, that's the chair that the owner of the house loves to sit on.
You know, you go into a front room or a lounge or whatever, and you sort of come and sit on that chair because that looks like the place where the owner loves to rest. And we've sung this morning the first song that we, James, led off with. It's almost like the promises of God and those resting in the promises of God and I this picture, this favorite chair, and it's almost like we need a place where we can go and just sit and let the promises of God just envelops.
But then I was reminded of something that one of our sons bought for us. And it is it's about this peak and it folds out and it's a little seat that is you walking. You can sit on it. So there's something that's all cranky and hard. And if you tried to sit on, you'd be going. Actually, it puts a layer there that you can sit on and God wants us to know that his promises are not just for when we're in our favorite chair, not just we're in that place where and he's not that that's a bad place and he's good that we've got those places.
But those promises are for us. When we're on the move. I think in the Psalms there's a series of Psalms which are called Songs of Ascent, and these are Psalms that the people of Israel used to sing or recite as they went on pilgrimage towards Jerusalem. One of them starts off with verses that are well known. It says, I lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip. He who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you. The Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm. He will watch over your life, the Lord to watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore with the promises of God we can rely on. We can have them envelop us not just in that comfy chair, but when we're out walking and moving and coming in to all that.
God is challenging, goes to come into and all that we have. He has again spoken to us this morning saying, These are the things I want to lead you into. And those promises are there for as we move. That was Psalm 121. Read it, taking it to heart. God will not let your foot slip. He who slumbers, he looks over you, does not slumber or sleep.
Things will not harm you because the promises are not just for the comfy chair, but for us. We move the Lord. you don't know. She never said the my day is up. Been getting your head from the moment that I wake to another time I will see you so all my life you have been raised All my life You have been so, so regretful.
I was so. I love your voice. I love your voice. You love me is kind of like. Like I've known you as a dog. I've known you as a dog. Take a chance. All my life. All my life I've been all my life. You have been so. So very bad. But I all my life. All my life you have been my life.
You have been so, so good with every fiber of your goodness. Your father not long enough to your father that it's right and time back down to scratch. Now I teach you everything. goodness. It's running out. It's running out again. You know, she's running out. It's running out. Your goodness is running after is running out to me.
My life lay down. I surrender now I give you everything Your goodness is strong enough to out to me. All my life you have been for all my life. You have been so, so good. Every breath I have. I think all my life. All my life. You have been faithful all my life. You have been so, so good with every breath.
But I will say. thank you so I always say that you will ever love you so long, John. your goodness is running right up to me. Your goodness is running and it's running at me with my life. Lay down, I surrender and I give you everything Your goodness is running out to inside out to me again.
Your name is running out. It's running out. Your gas is running out. It's running out to me with my life back down. I saw And now I gave you everything. Don't go is running out of my life. All my life you have been for all my life. You have been so. So with every breath. When I. I think of the girl and I will say I think life changes.
Jesus. I've been in churches recently and the Israelites have just been and gone into the Promised Land, and they've been given all of these new things. They've been given the promises that they've held on to for so long. And and as we are singing that God is going to be faithful, I felt God say that and he is going to be faithful.
He is going to be steadfast. But we have to look towards him. We have a responsibility that as we step into the new promises, as we step into the new things that we're going to be coming into, we have a we have a responsibility to keep our eyes fixed upon him so that we don't fall away from all of the new stuff and all of the fantastic stuff that we're going to be gifted by God's grace and God's mercy and God's steadfast love by God.
Lord, I want to thank you, Father God. I want to thank you for the words you brought today. Lord, I pray that you steer the fire in the soul of every person in this room. Father, got that? Your spirit has spoken, Father God, that your spirit has spoken into the hearts of your people. Father God, Lord, we thank you for the promises we've you've made, Father, God and Lord, We step out into those promises.
Father, God, we thank you, Lord. Amen. Amen. So if everyone would like to take their seats and we have four notices, I believe that. Good morning. This Monday, the 15th Alpha course starts. They really are a good course. It's an opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a no pressure, relaxed environment. There's videos and they examine some of the big issues of life.
And this they share a drink and snacks. So it's a very relaxed place to be. And you can ask questions and there's no pressure. It really is a good place to learn more about the Christian faith. And it's and it's very good if you're a new Christian to go along to it. So invite family, friends, neighbors and book a place by a church suite or the church Web site.
So that's tomorrow at 2 p.m. and that's our Alpha course. On Tuesday the 16th, we have an encounter youth group, and that's from 730 till nine. And this youth group is for young people between the ages of 11 and 16. So join us here from 730 till nine on this games and activities as an evening of fun and somewhat to enjoy yourself with the friends.
We explore faith together and what it means to follow Jesus. So if you want to come along, just come. So that's for the youth group from about 730 to 9 on Tuesday. And the next item is Connect groups. And we want to encourage everyone to be part of a Connect group. They are really good things to be part of.
I'm part of it too. Excuse me. We finished on part of the day a daytime on underneath in Rome. And they are lovely. They are great. The and you get close to God and closer to people. You learn how people are so different but were also acceptable. They really I would recommend if you're not part of a connect group, go along.
It is so good because it does you good and you do it good and so if you want to contact the church office for further details and such in the 27th of January, it's burns night and that's from 7 to 930, a three course Scottish themed dinner with entertainment and tickets are £8.58 or just concessions which is students and over six days and that's £7.
This is not suitable for those under 16 so that Saturday's the 27 to John Burns night and so you need to book in to that quickly I think this week is the last your last opportunity and looking forward suddenly the 28th of January we've got Roger and Diane. Now, if you've been here and have been here before, you'll know how wonderful it is that we're having them back again.
They they minister all over the world and they are what they speak. There's no hidden corners. We we have known them for years and years and they are just full of the the love of God. And they have a dynamic of the Holy Spirit. And they they want to encourage us to move where they are going. So that's on the 28th.
That's a 1030 meeting and that's Roger and Diane. Thank you. Can we welcome Graham, please? Welcome Graham. Okay, Thank you. Thank you for your welcome. You can guess why I'm here. It's time for the offering. And those words were singing All my life you have been faithful all my life. You have been so, so good. It's just so true.
My God to me has been so faithful and so that, in other words, I lay down my life and I give you everything. I'm not asking for anything. I just take your fingers. No baskets. Come in. I think if you're using the envelopes, there's a little postbox at the bank. If you're doing direct debits or whatever it is online.
And I say, since all of these days, we all do it in different ways, but we're here to remember. We're here to say, God, I come with my sacrifice. I come with my offering. I come with my times to remember we don't just do it out of because we've always done it, but we do it because we're coming before God.
So let's pray for the God. We thank you, We praise you and we say You are good, you are good, you are good. Insightful And we come and we give you our times and we give you our offerings and we say, Use them, Lord, use them. Bless people, bless lives, change lives. May your kingdom come, Father, We just declare we love you and we love to give back to you.
Imam. Amen. Thank you, Father. I have a I want to invite the kids to go out to their groups as we stand, almost worship the Lord. It was my cross. You pull so I could move in the time you sign. And now my life is yours. And I will sing for everyone where they see us. Well, this is your you know.
So this is your life, not mine. Shame. This guy standing next. And your love. The praise goes on and on will say, All right, where is your what is your what is your. My wife is not. She is the one young woman. She is Your Excellency. The exiled said now in the heavens, as the law reveals this place, you are not to serve in the other name of a names to now in the heavens as you go to fill this place, you are not to serve.
I praise your name. The exalted self J Now we have to ask you about deserve our praise are the name of the song said now and everyone feels this way. You are not to serve your dinner with a lady is your name is this working? Is your working? Is your source said, Sing that again. We're working your name.
She's you deserve the phrase. What is your worthy? The is your name. She is Jesus and he is your man. Thank you for becoming the first woman with this song teaches you see? And it is time for you to go. Hey, man, please take your seat. Thank you. Thank you. Am I turned on now? Morning, Church. Good to see you all.
God is good all the time. My wife likes watching on TV programs about music groups or singers. You know, they do this little biographies of service, singing groups of time. She's not talking about. No. Yes, yes. Do do these things. You might be about the Beatles or the Beach Boys or. Anyway, she likes watching those and all those of about those groups who have lasted the years or the singers who've lasted the years.
Is that right, Joy? Yes. Yes, it is. You don't get many of the biographies of the one hit wonders you heard, the one hit wonders. You remember the one hit wonders. You bought one of the records in the olden days? Well, the record, most of you say, but it's there were those people who had one hit and you never heard them again.
And I find in a Christian life, you know, there are some people who seem to be just one hit wonders. They see, wow, what a great person moving in the things of God. why? What great potential.
And then suddenly nothing else just fades away. I pray God, none of us here were those one hit wonders who won't move. Good. Okay. In God. But now I just drifted away. What better than not? Only because we believe in the faithfulness of God. As might remind Thaddaeus reminded us, we too need to be faithful to God. One of the bright, shining stars for me in my life has been the man who's going to come to speak to us now.
We've worked together now for nearly 30 years, which is a long time. Consider he's only 27. so he tells me he say, we talked earlier about being six four. Dave mentioned about somebody being six foot above contradiction. This man lived six foot, contradicting. Let's welcome Dave. Greg, please. We could have gone it's funny thing was this when we when we purchased and came to look at this building the the Methodists original we have their pulpit the right here is just at the center.
We found that out when we moved the carpet because we saw we saw that there was marks, but they actually moved the carpet of the pulpit to here. It was actually here when we when we purchased sorry, I know the guys in the area looking to make it from there to speak to this. And it was here. And you did have to go up six steps and you talked about being six foot.
I was about 15 for it was terrible to feel that you would have had somebody preaching from you, but probably got a crick in your neck if you were on the fourth or fifth row in the room for God's blessings for this place. I just say that so that some of you know the turmoil inside my heart when I say that I'm just going to confess, which is true because we have many challenges.
It's a bit like life, isn't it? With less than as many challenges. And this weekend actually falls between. Jeff was telling us that if you were with us last week that we've just passed, quit his day where most people have thrown in the towel on the New Year's resolutions. There's a couple of days that it actually could be.
But tomorrow, you know what? Tomorrow's know. Now it's blue Monday. And when you read about Blue Monday, it's supposed to be the saddest day in the year. It was sandwiched in the middle between quitting and and blue Monday. In actual fact, just so that, you know it probably was something invented by marketeers who wanted you to feel as though it's so bad I need a holiday you watch today and tomorrow.
How many adverts on TV as a result of it being Blue Monday to try to tempt you away to some sunny paradise? And I'd say one thing. I'd say, Just be careful with social media doesn't shape how your day is.
Really glad to be able to say that this is the day the Lord has made. I'm going to be clouds and rejoice in it. And you know what I'm going to say tomorrow morning? This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. You'll get it eventually. And on Tuesday day. Do you know what I'm going to say?
This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice. Be glad in it. We'll get there. We're doing that on Wednesday. I'm going to get up and I'm going to say these words. This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I hope you join in with that, because as you do that at the start of your day, it transforms your day.
Probably all of us that are in the room right now. Well, if you're listening online, you have this as a desire in your life that the year is not going to be filled with quitting and and sad days, although those sometimes come. And there are challenges for us all that we've got to work through. But we hope that this year is going to be a year where there are days, joyous days.
We can celebrate days where we connect with God and we connect with people around us, days where we can be a blessing and an encouragement to others and we'll experience in ourselves days where our lives can make a difference. Wouldn't you like a year like that? Isn't that true? It's okay. This is going to be I'm not going to go out it all the time, but it's good for you to rather than not like this.
Excuse me. So, yeah, I'd like that. Is there anybody who's like, have a year where there were more days of significance? I see that hand. I see the hand. I hear some voices. I hear that in our heart we want to live a life that has some significance. We want to live a life that has some meaning. We don't want to be like, There's a king in the Old Testament.
I read it. I found myself very sad about this verse. Okay, so I think the guise of change, if I'm a switch this and then hope that this will come on in two Chronicles 2120 it says these words, This is decorum. Who is the king was 32 years old when he became king. He raised in Jerusalem eight years.
He passed away to no one's regret. I was buried in the city of David. What an obituary to have about your life, how somebody came. He lived. He was a guy who was a king, had resources, power had the possibility of influencing a nation, and he just passed away. It mattered to no one. It made no difference to anyone.
Anybody want that on your headstone passed away. Didn't matter to anyone, anywhere, any place, any time sat No sat verse sat us to read about a king. How tragic. But thankfully that's not what God's got in it. In store for us in our lives. He doesn't want it for you or me. He wants us to have a life where we can do what Paul says, he says to the church.
But he says these words. He says, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling that you have received. If you believe in listening to this, I want you to be a sure thing. You have a great calling on your life this year. It's not insignificant. It's a great calling. And you know what? It can be exciting because you can be somebody who serves the purpose of God in your generation, in your time, in your space, in your world, not just ambling through.
Paul actually writes to the Corinthians and he encourages them not to be those who just amble along and step in and out of faith, take it or leave it. On the contrary, he used that athletic illustration, which was actually when you read the beginning in Corinthians his book, his letter was for all people everywhere. That's why there's some teachings in there which might seem a little difficult, but it wasn't just cultural.
And for the prince in church, he says, run in such a way as to get the prize, to get a crown that will last forever. There's a way in which you and I can run this year in our faith that actually enables us to win the prize. You know, every actor has to go to running school if they want to be an actor.
Tom Cruise classic, have a watch. I don't know what that was. That movie where in Windsor Castle we've jumped and we all know that in the edit he broke his leg or something. It's a mission impossible, but I don't know which one you see. See if you run Tom Cruise's classic. He's a short man. Sorry. There's nothing about being short.
But. But, but, but. But he's. But he runs well, not to be those as Christians and believe is running around like this. Like headless chickens running around. Let me tell you something. He's chasing you. This doesn't do it. He doesn't cut it. I was a teacher for 14 years and PE teacher, just like you see little for a little bit.
Now, it wasn't English teachers or math teachers who think they rule the world. But knowing the quadratic equation, to be honest, doesn't help you. Some of these chasing you. Yeah. So then I come into my own this way to run. There's a way that you focus with your head on. You keep it still, you stay relaxed. You actually use, you know, like this, but you actually use your arms in that relaxed.
And then I'm like this classic Tom Cruise. Some people do think, some people do, but they don't do this. You start you mean through. You have opposed relax the fear, but down here you are driving the ground way to is no point in running along like the hit that just goes up and down. You drive the ground away from you.
You need some high action. You take a good step, and those low points will enable you to run and not look like a headless chicken. There's a run in the natural and there's a way we can run in spirit. I wonder how we're doing. I was praying about my grace this coming year and over these two weeks we're just having words which are focused on the air.
I was wondering how I was doing, how I was running, how the church was. I had a little bit of time to pause and to think, to reflect, to pray, to listen, to walk, to look out my windows. But my neighbors taken down the big trees. It was a lot of privacy. I'll get over it. I'm going to move house and I don't there are some things in this coming year that we know are going to be taking place.
We planned that we would have three days of prayer and fasting and got a great burns eating where you can come for food and fellowship and have fun and you can invite your friends in too. And we've got Roger Lopez, who mentioned coming in a couple of weeks, Don't miss it is going to be outstanding. Those things, God willing, is going to be taking place because we planned them.
We know as leaders that we felt that God saying to us, we must maintain our teaching, our words about vision, about mission, about moving forward, being soft and life being seats. I was seeing increase and growth. And yet there's some things this year that we don't know will happen. Well, they're going to surprise us. Govt's going to bring along maybe new initiatives.
He's already spoken about new people that are going to come, which I'll mention. Right. So as I'm thinking these things, I got that dreaded middle of the night, wake up and God, I believe it was God because I've learned what his voice is like rather than a cheese and pickle tree. You know what I mean? You know what I mean?
He's not head sometimes he's just an imagination. I started talking to somebody in my dream and it started becoming a little bit more real. And then but no, I was woken up and then out of the blue, this happened. There was a phrase that came into my mind. Now, when God speaks, it's usually your voice, by the way, to not to leave anything misplaced when there's so much more in 24.
We just say that together. There's so much more in 24. Could you say it to somebody next to you? It's very easy. Ready? There's so much more in 24 when you've heard it about three times. It's 3:00 in the morning. Can I tell you it suddenly becomes something? No. Now, the young boy, Samuel in the temple started hearing a voice, had to go to his mentor, Eli, who taught him about the fact that eventually it was God's voice.
I kind of knew it was God's voice, but inside I'm just being honest. I thought, it's not I don't want to go before the people and say, It could just be a little phrase. Can you just give me something else? Now I know you probably think, dear me. What about leaders of the. I was just being honest.
I said so much more in 24. I really do. And so for the next couple of nights, why in the middle of the night it was I woke up again with this face. It was like that music, little thing that goes in your head. And I just couldn't shake it. So I decided to play a little bit of it.
I'm not saying the game with God, but so sorry to say, Well, okay, if there's so much more in 24, you better tell me what of so much more in 24 folks who question might truly. I know some of you think I'm dodgy, but I'm not I'm just I'm just honestly just talking to God to saying, what does that really mean?
I like it. And not just what's more, in 24, if there's going to be more, more of what? And then if it's going to be more, what's the more for you? You know, can I just encourage you don't have these conversations about 3:00 in the morning, just get up a little bit early, get a cup of tea, go for a walk, find a chair to sit in that might was talking about envelop yourself in the promises of God in that chair and suddenly you're going to find that maybe the conversation takes place rather than middle night.
But it did. And that was just the way it was. So I got answers to both of those questions, and that's what I'm going to share. What I was encouraged about was that once I heard that I came to a meeting on Tuesday and David prophesied about that be an increase and Ali came and bought a song, You going to hear some more of that later?
Yeah. And put a song about there being more and being increase. I went and sat with Jeff and we had a cup of tea and we were just talking about the two that we have, and I found that God placed in his heart. This would increase that there's more in 24. It's not the same old, same old people.
That's great news, especially for some of us that the same old, same old hasn't been doing it. It hasn't pressed the buttons. He hasn't seen the fruit, it hasn't seen the growth and go comes and says, there's so much more in 24. I think I've got a clue for you as towards what that will be. So here's a few things about shall we just say it again together?
Because if I'm going to be paint with it, I'm going to make sure you're paint with it, let's say together with the volume, there's so much more in 24. These are not my words because I wouldn't have done it. But here with the some and can I just say these are going to be peace, but were not peace that I came up with all these words, the six words and all peace, and it just says you've asked for what it's going to be.
This is what it's going to be day. There's going to be more power. Now, we know that the disciples were promised more power at Pentecost. He said There will be power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the Earth, The promise of God for each one of us who are His disciples, is that there is a power that would enable us not just have tingles, but go out and touch and change the world with the love and the life of Jesus.
But if without that, living, breathing, dynamic relationship with the Holy Spirit, you know what our Christian life is going to be like? It's going to be tough, dry. We're going to be hanging in. It just isn't pleasant. But God's power, we'll find that. We'll find this if if we don't have that relationship, there's a now relationship with the Holy Spirit.
We'll find we live on yesterday's power. Some of these batteries, the batteries in here, they get charged up each week and they start draining all the way. Sometimes in the middle of the meeting where it's just gone dead, the batteries and the power source is gone. Some Christians live their lives by getting a plug in on Sunday, charging up and then trying to get through the week a diminishing power constantly rather than a replenished power.
Because this morning I said, this is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Holy Spirit, common and just I want to know you more. Are we making those kind of prayers or are we just plugged into the power from a yesterday's experience? That is not for this year because God wants us to have more power.
There's more power for the hungry. There's more power for the people who are holy. They were not holy that now. But God says to each and every one, be holy, I am holy. That means I can't live my life my way on my terms. I have to live by what his word says. And suddenly I'm plugging in to the power of God constantly on a mainline rather than diminishing batteries.
For many of us to encounter more in 24, we have to realize the truth, stop operating our own strength and say we need his power and he promises it his goodness and mercy. Follow us all the days of his life. But we have this power within us. The same power that rose Christ from the grave lives in you.
It lives in you, It lives in me. There's more power in 24. There's more presence. Now, the thing is this that the presence of God, the whole Earth is filled with the glory of God. Isaiah says in his eyes, six was two. So clearly there's not a problem with the glory and presence what's the problem? It's maybe you and I, our awareness of it.
Would that not be true? The God can't lie, He says. The whole earth is filled with the glory of the Lord is the waters of the sea. The difference is that, Dave, maybe my eyes don't see my ears, don't hear him speaking. My heart doesn't feel him moving because I'm not tuned him. God wants this to be a year of more presence, but we have a part to play.
We will remind you that this morning, Gail can do anything, any time, any place, anywhere. But we have to be the hungry. We have to be the thirsty. We have to be those who just say, I want more of you. You sit there today and be totally unchanged by all that has already taken place that we could truthfully just go home because God has spoken.
His word directs us to behave in a particular way. People of God, we need to do it. And with that it hooks into David's worth. It means change. Even now, without going delving around the Holy Spirit, speaking to you, just saying this is really is. He doesn't come to me and beat me up. He convicts me, he doesn't condemn me.
The condemning is the enemy's thing. I get a conversation like this, I just be sat there. Is that the best way to drive? Dave? Do you really need to overtake that person? You're going to get there one minute earlier and your spleen and innards are going to be heard. That's the way I speak. This is it. Is that the best way to beat it when you get that kind of question?
No, the answer is no, it isn't. I want to do better. Help me, please. That's the answer. Yeah. Don't try to justify. Yeah, but if you only saw how he got off and he could have killed somebody, but I put him in his place as I browse past him along that road, for there to be more presence, we need to be aware of his presence.
For there to be more presence. Do you know what we can do? Raise the level of expectation that we've been having. Raise the level of expectation that God can use you and will use you outside of the meeting? Inside of the meeting. I've told you before, I have to expect a miracle in porch. For this reason. Somebody can be brought at me as a gift.
But it does to me this if in the bit of my day before I step out the house, I have not really been conscious of God's Holy Spirit, the love of God, even the ever needing to do it in the house. I just get into auto mode and I and I'm stepping out before as I open the door.
This way there is this. I've got it. You know what it's like. You open the door, Mike. You did a very good opening doors. I'm not so good. You're good actor. I open the door and I say, Open the door. I have to look this way. And what so will expect a miracle? This says Dave. Raise the level of expectation you've got.
This day could be spectacular. And this day you could be a blessing and you could help and you could encourage and you could have God working through you. So don't just settle for ordinary and normal. Would that be good for all of us? I can't buy you that sign. We'll put it up in social media. Just think about that.
We have a part to play in how we live our lives, wholly lives. We have a part to play in expecting that God can do it in the world and when we come together, God six those who worship him in spirit and truth. I choose to be one of those people when I walk in this room. If we all do that, it transforms the spiritual temperature in the room.
Now, I appreciate the stuff that's going on that some of us have not even shared. God is with you and loves you, and He's for you in He will provide for you the mercy in the grace to come through. When we walk in the room, we have every expectation that the room changes. A coffee shop, a lounge a staffroom, the ward that you might be on.
Why this office? We are the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and and among those who are perishing, believes in them, believe your life changes when you walk in Jesus into that building of compassionate with you. Numerous people around desks. We know that we can change a room by our attitude when we walk in. I know that because sometimes when I had a stinky day, especially as a teacher and the kids were in there, they kind of could feel it.
That was in a mood. Put your big boy pants up, Dave. Kids don't need to know that. That's what I'd say to myself. You might say, you found a you knew Dave Well, God does and God will help you. You the aroma of Christ. We have a word over this church that we will be the we'll be carrying of the fire of his presence, thus, hopefully when we come in here.
But it was more about going out there. Carriers of the forest presence. Is there anybody the room that would like to be a carrier of the fire of his presence is a just don't be a shame. Put your hands up if if you'd like your will to be changed. See, here's the thing, Kobe. If was like the torch, some of us in Paulo knew the Olympic torch came along.
We went up to CBGB and we cheered as people kind of oppressed and stopped it moving along. It was a great moment. That torch was passed from one person to another that for for you to be able to be a carrier, you've got to say, I'm going to take something. I'm going to be something. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty?
Do you want more? God wants us to have more power, more awareness of his presence with us day by day. He also wanted more prayer. Now, can I just say about this? I didn't feel that it was about quantity of prayer, but it will improve if you go into a Christian meeting and talk about your prayer life and reading the word.
Do you know that a lot of Christians just have a bit of a guilt trip? They kind of feel they should always be doing better now to be. Many of them don't do anything about it, but we can do something. We can this year, wait a year with us in 2024. They'll be so much more. If we could maybe look at our schedules and say, How can I just find time to talk, to listen to worship, We will find time.
And you can think yourselves of bits of your life where you just say, I actually waste so much time during the year. How about This year we just find a little bit of time to pray and be creative. If you have a rhythm that says, This is what I do and this is how I always do it, how about freshening that up?
I think something in this a little bit different. The Bible does talk about the fact that all believers should think of themself with sober judgment. The danger is we can be too hard on ourselves. We just need to think ourselves realistically, just be truthful. Do you know what? I could get up 15 minutes early so I'm not in such a rush, so I could just pause.
Maybe in the car, in the car park before you go to work or on your walk in. You could maybe walk along and put your hand on each of your neighbor's walls. And if you do, you just pray in the blessing of God on that. You could you could make sure that you're looking out of your window and your neighbor might be passing by and you might deliberately go to put the bins out at that point in time.
So you could just say hello. I heard a beautiful story from Julia about John taking a moment on life. Hear my voice. Where's that microphone gone? Jeff? You keep it and we switch it off. Julia, you were telling me about how. John you need to come here because otherwise it can become so. His story that something happened and that John and Julie were there.
And she told me what something John said about the lady with the flowers. I we were looking out of our kitchen window and we saw a girl working across walking across the field with her dog and we knew her and we prayed for her quite a bit. And she lost her husband about a year ago. And John wanted to invite you to Burns Night.
So he went out into the field and he took with him two bunches of, daffodils and gave it to her. And she said, How did you know this was the anniversary of Steve's death? And we had no idea, although we had a vague notion. It was a year ago, but it was the fact that John on impulse had picked up the daffodils and it was meaningful to her.
It showed her that God knew about her situation and he cared. And to me that was amazing. Thank you, Julia. Thank you, John. You just responded to that. Prompting wasn't just a simple thing, but do you think that was a powerful one? And and it's just for all of us. We might not have a bunch of daffodils, but maybe we should go and buy some because they're really cheap and you could have some around and just make it your goal.
This week you're going to find somebody just to bless. Who knows? You say, Well, that's a silly little thing. They Know that was such a beautiful moment. It's not about whether she does or doesn't come to Burns night. Hopefully she will. But it's a connection where we are expressing love and kindness, and every single one of us in this room could do it.
Just point to somebody next year, you can do it. Just look them in the eye. Don't stare them out like some kind of psycho. You can do it. You can do it. And oftentimes it starts with a prayer life that suddenly tunes you in to the voice of God. Hopefully I'll get better in the middle of the night.
More power, more presence, more prayer and more praise. These are things that just came along straight away. If you want to know, Dave, this is what it is. And I so I like you. Alliteration. Lord, I was speaking out in an ongoing way. It was just thought it's a bit easier for me to remember that in your home, in your car as you're walking with you, with your boots in your ears.
Connect groups in corporate governance, in special events. There's moments where we just go to say, How will we sing? Is the only place that where you sing when you come in here on a Sunday. Is it Have we kind of turned down the volume button? I said, Well, I'm Dave, I'm not a singer like you. People have been saying that to me for years, so don't three chord Dave and sing, but I don't care.
I can sing in tune. You say, Well, I can't. So that gives me an excuse. No, he doesn't. You're wiping out so many scriptures, so much blessing by the fact that you choose to be quite insulted. We but and some of us have non-Christian homes that were in. I can't really do it. Then go somewhere else. Find somewhere.
There's somewhere where every single one of us can go and we could actually just lift our voice and we don't need a tape or anything. It could just be this I love you, Lord. I love you, Lord, I love. I haven't got anymore words. God says you don't need them. I love you, Lord. I love you, my son.
where did that come from? I love you, Lord. I love you, Lord. I love you, Lord. Is there anybody in the room who couldn't do that? Put your hand up now you see, we can. But. But just ask yourself not to be such. You say, Do I ever do it? It's not speaking it. There is something about the power of melody that unlocks something of God.
Praise will do this to us this year. Praise in the moment where we want to be navel gazing, in the moment where there's such turmoil, trouble, difficulty, challenge, pressure, relationships. What it does is it turns our eyes away from that. It turns our look to the Lord. And we recognize in that moment where we start singing our praise, You, you're the king of kings, I praise you, You're Lord of Lords.
And when we start doing that and we sing it over and over again, it's not so much it to feel better. It's a declaration of truth. My eyes are on him. I'm Faith starts to rise in your heart. Do you want to miss out on more of praise in 24? Well, I'll just say this that God brought that along with presence and prayer and power and praise.
And we had a word this morning through Jeff, and we'll hear this word later on again about you said this, I'm going to encounter more people. Kerry mentioned that the empty chairs are going to be filled in a year's time. I felt got to say this. We will have new people who will come from unexpected places. He hasn't given me any more insight that except during this next year we'll look back and say, where did they come from?
Maybe unexpected places in terms of geography or the will to the planet. How they found us, I don't know. But it was also that God will bring more people into your life where your world is. Do you think we heard the story of Joan, who got on her little buggy and went around and delivered invitations to the Carol service?
Do you think that there's more opportunity that there's going to be in her area where that neighbor she's going to meet? I think there is, because she just did something. She so did a little bit of a sea there'll be more people who cross your path that you will have the opportunity and you will be the pivotal person who decides whether or not they take a step towards faith or away from faith.
Your smile, your eyes, you're everybody. If You smile. This is so much better than rather than the head down and the phone down on the train, on the bus. Not that I know anything about that because I just don't do busses. I'm sorry, but some of you do. The phone book Our world was so focused on getting from A to B that we missed the people who were brushing up alongside us, who just in a moment of time just, hello, how are you doing?
And they might say, It's fine, thank you. There's a lot of but there's going to be somebody who turns around. And how are you? The smile, the handshake, the welcome, the embrace. Obviously, there's a some caution with that. Are friendships. Circles are friendship. Circles could increase because we see people around us and we welcome them in and we become the landing strip for people to find family and find faith.
Every one of us this year has that potential, and it might just start with a cup of tea and a piece of cake and listening to their story. We love it. Finally, for me, it's the provision of golf. Not to be fair, it was provision in pounds. I tell you this, as a leader of the church, you can end up being quite precious when you look at the books and you think that by the end of the year, if it continues like this, there'll be shortfall in this particular account.
It can be a pressure because the you I'm probably aware along with Jess and Mike, but of more of the issues of finance now if you visit to here just pause a minute you can listen to your iPod or whatever it is. But you say if everybody in this church brought their tithing, they're offering, there would be no need and there would be food in the house.
There wouldn't be that degree of pressure. But that's one of those areas. Like God says, live like this because I've got a plan and principles for you to have a thrilling, wonderful life, there's promises that you can stand on by the way that you operate. How handling with finance. There's promises for you, but they'll only be unlocked when you actually put into practice the words that happen where there's difficulty and challenge.
Just come and speak to us. But in this House, we have the privilege and honor of family. With that privilege, there comes responsibility. And we just need to say this year there's going to be so much more in 24. But I was so encouraged to hear that God will provide. And he said it's not just about pounds. They it's about this.
I wrote down some things and I just feel it. I know that God will supply all my needs according to his riches. I don't need somebody to buy the way to come along and just remind me about this. I know that verse and of live that verse. Yeah, it is true. I believe God's Word. But his thing is about people providing their skills and their talents and their welcomes.
And the hellos is about people coming and serving on the on the on the welcome and on the stewards and offering to help with with with Maureen and the wonderful creche team and Bonnie with the outstanding junior church team and then Thaddeus and Kathy and Sam with us. For within the students it's about people. So I can't do all of that.
AS okay. I was speaking to some just about how we found the church when he first came out. You know what Sam and he starts first encounter with the church was driving into the car park, and I think it probably was good old Eddie Webster in his jacket and his big foam finger. And he said, hi, this way and sound just said they just thought that was so wonderful.
It was so wonderful. Set a tone for what they were going to experience. Don't just walk past somebody that you don't know. Why don't you just say hello. But all of those things, it's going to be so much more in 24 about his provision. But there's the things, the power and the presence and prayer and praise and more people and more provision, because there's going to be, what, in 24?
There's so much more in 24. Can we say it again? So much more in 24? And what is the more for well, join up and face gathering and join the first meeting of the month. We had a word from Ali. And then just for Ali to be able to come up, because I think she expressed it better than anything else that even I've tried to say.
It's not just about me and my blessing. This and the meetings. It's about touching the world and brought a song. And then she brought some words which would help us to her with help us to understand that there is increase, there is more. Do you want to come here only? And would you prefer to see Humphrey? Yeah, we're just going to hear how Ali just shared the recording.
Didn't work during the week and we want in particular for there to be this opportunity for God's Word, which came for us all to hear because some of us went there and first have it on record. So the song was whatever you have known first, more to know, whatever you have seen, there's more to see. So I'm a god of increase, increase, increase.
There's always more of me. So give me all of your heart, all of your mind, all of your strength, all that you all for I am a God of increase. There's always more of me wherever you go. Everything you say, everything you do. Let me have way for I'm a god of increase. There's always more of me. And I explained at the prayer and praise evening when I read this again that a phrase came to me.
These words stuck with me, which doesn't always happen when I bring a song. And the phrase that came to me when I was pondering about it was, This is a bit odd. What God does with Egg will cause us to turn with out what God does within will cause us to turn with what we've got in out. So as we draw closer, as we walk nearer, as we look to go both deeper and higher, we will be changed, which will cause us to turn outwards with Him all through His Holy Spirit.
He's the God of the increase. As we submit to him. Our going out is not our timing, it's not our way. It's not out of duty or obligation or feeling coerced or any expectation of us. But it's out of a heart of compassion for is open and available to him. This is what causes us to reach out. If not, we strive in our own strength.
And he has specifically asked that we give him that. There are times that we go speak and do, because that's our commission and it's his command and we walk in obedience regardless of how we feel or what we want to do. But it's touching his heart for those around us, that makes all the difference. And we do that by simply spending time with him.
And if we give him all of ourselves as our inner man and we give him all of our lives as we live day by day, his spirit will prompt us to go to speak and to do anyway. Yeah, the responsibility for the growth. The increase is always his our path is obedience. Walking as close as we can, not waiting to feel ready or be perfect with our lives fully sorted before we go.
But knowing that as we walk with him facing outwards, he will not only go with us, but he will also continue his work within. Dave asked me earlier in the week if I would rather. And then this morning he said to me, If there's anything else, bring there's something else. And I've had a word, just a single word for weeks, which is windowing.
And it's not a word. I know it's not a word, but I really understood what it meant. And when Jeff brought God's word to us this morning, he was talking about the Holy Spirit blowing. And if you look up a dictionary definition of the word winnowing, it means chipolo. And if you think of a harvest process with the fields in the wheat that the point where they've chopped off the stalks and all the rest of it and they get to the point where there's the husks and the grain and all that happens to separate grain from the husks is there is a wind that blows in the machinery.
That's all it takes. It's not a fire, it's not something that comes and crushes, it's not something heavy. It's just simply this blow. And it separates the grain and it separates the husks. But biblically, winnowing is normally about evil. It's when you read the scriptures in the New Testament where you talk about evil, it's Jesus coming along and saying, This is the good and this is the bad.
And I was saying to go, Well, how does that work then? Are you saying the when we get to the point where you want to blow, it's blowing away bad stuff. You saying that we're walking around with all this bad stuff and you want to blow that away. And I believe what God's challenges for us this year is that we have stuff in our lives which is good.
We look at it and think, Well, there's nothing wrong with this. It's not contrary to your word. It's not evil, it's not hurting anybody. But God doesn't want it there because he wants us to be doing else. He doesn't want it there because he wants us to be focusing on something else. And our perspective is that we look at it and we think, But it's okay.
God's perspective is he looks at it and says, No, it's not, because that no longer should be in your life. And as Jeff was speaking, I just believe there are people here this morning and God simply wants to come along and blow and remove the husk. The husk, when the grain is forming, has a good purpose. It performs this protection is healthy, but it gets to point for the grain to be taken and used that that husk has to go.
That good thing that was good for a time has to go. And for some of us this morning, this is the day that God is saying, you already know what these things are. I've touched on these and you've come to me or you sat there and thought, But it's good. There's nothing wrong with this. This is good. And God is saying in itself there is nothing wrong with it.
It is good, but it is no longer good in your life. It is time for that to go. Thank you. I'll and great hearing the word of the Lord today. Well, musicians, could they just come back after us? We're going to be closing out of time in a moment. We're going to hear word again, strong prophetic words. We're going to remember that David came and just said, there's times of increase here.
There is so much more in 20, but it's going to require change. And Ali's work comes and says this change, it is something that only you and I can do to open up the windows, to open up the doors. There's a path. A sadness reminded us that we have to play in this process. We don't want to batten down the hatches at this point in time.
I say it's going to be same old, same old. And Sue said, it's like today, it's not tomorrow, it's in this time and in this moment. So we want to be able to just respond to it. Don't despise that they have small beginnings. What you have in your life, I mean, you haven't seen I don't really know. God, I've not got much.
Moses had a walking stick and got used to it and turned into a snake as a prophetic sign to a nation. A widow had had just a little bit of oil and a life. She came along and performed a miracle so she could be provided for in the next season of her life. A boy had five loaves and fishes, and when he came to Jesus with that, it transformed into a miracle that fed thousands, says five.
But there was probably eight because he came with the little that he had and he gave it to Jesus. And we get a moment right now, whatever we have good that it is, we bring it to Jesus. It's nearly like you say, okay, up to you. And as we do it, this breath of God is going to come as a song.
And the lyrics say, I'm laying down my life, I'm giving up control. I surrender all please, you might want to take a moment. We'll sing it a couple of times for the first time and just don't jump into it. These are really significant words, and when we've had an opportunity to personally respond, we're going to do something in hearing that prophetic word again, which we will go out into this week, fire them fueled by faith, knowing that God is with us and God has spoken to us.
I wonder if I could invite you if you able to just to stand and use this song as a prayer that could change this year forever as a result of taking a step of faith. Let's just give ourselves to the Lord. I'm laying down my life. I'm giving all control never give by surrender All I'm living for your glory Yeah, I'm laying down, I'm laying down my life.
I'm giving up. Don't try their luck in life right or wrong, I live for your glory for the sake of for the sake of the world, the like. Fiery light of my soul. For every righteous, for the sake of the world. But like my free For every need to die, Die for every heart. For every wise to fire Burn like a fire.
Wait for every song to come back To load Not your body. for the sake of the world I like to find me light rain in my soul every night. To sing for the sake of the world. my heart, soul To come to the Lord and say I'm laying down my life. I'm giving control. I'm never working.
I surrender. All may be for your going have got you hear our heart cry enough for us We open up the doors, open up the windows and listen to your word. Right now, just like the stewards. If we were to open up those doors at the back to the room, if you're able to, if you just turn it and make thank you, show.
Thank you. Let's just open up those doors and let's hear the prophetic words from the just the word of the moment is above increase because you say my finale, Miriam, just come back from Cuba. We went out on a mission trip, John and Julia out in South Africa, speaking at a conference next month. I'm traveling out to La Ceuta next month to visit the church we have out there.
It's all about our increase of all, about being out there at the very moment how the picket is in Romania. These aren't the incoming charmers looking at work out though, and possible mission trip out later in the year. Just pray for him now. And I found a blessing upon him in Jesus name. Protect him as he travels and then he may they know Johann, Lord God, as we look to increase our influence across your world, in Jesus name, and I believe the words the Lord gave to me while we were fasting and plain was to tell us to open the doors and open the windows of our life, to pull the blinds and to draw
back the curtains, because he wants to come to breathe the breath of his spirit and blow through this house. Not because I'm with you, says the Lord, but because I'm pleased. I've seen your hunger and I've heard your cries and I'm coming to breathe new life into you and to take from you and to take you from where you are to that place you longed to be for it is a breath of God, the moving of the Spirit that changes everything.
It was a breath of God. It transformed Adam from being just dust. And it is a breath of his spirit that will bring you life. But without the spirit moving in your life, you are just dust. It was just spit. It was on the wind of his spirit that he brought the plague of locusts to Egypt. And it was on and on and on.
The wind of his breath, God says, I will remove the locust that has ravaged you, and I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten. It was my best as God that opened the sea for Moses. And it was my breath that closes thee upon his enemies and my breath will open in ways that you thought were impossible.
And my breath will take you through into a new land. And my breath will deliver you and destroy your enemies? It was my breath gathered dry bones spread across the valley floor, and it was my breath to fill them and made them a great and a mighty army. And my breath. I will gather from this region a body drawn from the deepest valleys of life.
And I will breathe into them and they will become a great and a mighty army. It was a breath of my spirit of Pentecost that came like a looking mighty wind energizing and transforming my church into men and women who turned the world upside. And the breath of my spirit will blow upon this house as a lord from the youngest to the oldest.
So open the doors, open the windows full of the blind, draw back the curtains because I'm coming with a breath of heaven to blow away the chaff, to blow away the dust. To blow the cobwebs. Sister Bond, that we should be active. I'm coming to revitalize that which was once full of life by breathing my breath again through this house.
My breath is never stale. Everything I breathe upon says God is made fresh for my breath. My kisses are the kiss of life. I'm coming to perform a makeover upon you, to remodel you, to lift you to higher ground, to take you to deeper things, to open to you new spheres of influence and operation To take you higher.
To take you deeper. To take you wider. Open the doors, open the window, pull up the blinds, draw back the curtains and let there be light. The new light of fresh revelation. Let flood into your house. The light of new insight and freshness of vision that in your continued journey with me, you may walk in a new dimension of my plans and my purpose for everything is disturbed by the wind of change.
And as my breath rushes through the house like a great cyclone, it will blow away everything that is not found and rooted in me. There will be challenges, but there will also be the thrill of new things I'm doing among you the slums, the slums, the slums of New people. I'm sending to you as a sound from heaven, says God, the sound of rustling in the treetops.
There's a scent of living water in the air. There's a small cloud the size of a man's hand in the distant sky. But it's drawing itself closer and it's getting bigger. So prepare yourselves, says God. Open every door. Open every window, pull up every blind drawback, every curtain, and allow the breath of your God and the light of your God to penetrate every part of your lives.
And we cry to God and we say, Breathe on us. Breath of God, Fill us with life anew. In Jesus name, Amen. Amen. Amen. So go to Open door and what you receive from God Take out. There is not just four in here, but it is full out the Amen. Amen. Going peace. I think the refreshments for you right now next door.
Don't dash off. Enjoy with a family together.