Harry Pickett: Heart, family and region; what we can learn from Obed-Edom
Good morning, everyone. Oh two Yes. Are you blessed? Am blessed. Thank you, Lynn. I appreciate that. She said part one's brilliance.
I'll just put it out there. So thank you very much for that. I appreciate that. And if you don't know me, my name is Harry. I'm married. I've been married for nearly nine years now. I know I'm not married in nine years. I've got three wonderful, wonderful children, Isaac, who is four years old, Olive who is three. And I sorry, getting confused.
You can see what the night was like. And Phoebe, who is three, and Olive, who is nearly two years old, she is wearing a Wonder Woman costume today and is going around appropriately bashing things. As you might expect. I'm one of the leaders here in the church I in particular, look after the students. It is the best job in the world.
I keep on telling people because I just get to lead people and tell people all about how great Jesus is. And one of the other things I really love to do is I love to be in the Scriptures and to share with people in any format. So I'm very grateful for the elders here, allowing me two weeks to share with you.
And if you knew Harry, you've not been here for a little while. We've been doing a spirit at, a series on the Holy Spirit. And one of the reasons behind this is because we love to talk about the Holy Spirit. And I can understand Christians that want to live life without the Holy Spirit. I don't get it. I don't understand how they can live the life of Jesus, devoid of the power of the Holy Spirit in the person of these.
It's just it just baffles me completely and utterly baffles me. And one of the things that we love and we saw this happen today and a few ways we saw somebody come and brought a word, a prophecy, we saw somebody come and bring a word of knowledge. And I believe that we're going to see some healing as well through what David was praying down here.
We love to see people moving an amen. Amen. One day we live to see people moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit is so good. He comes and he gives us gifts to live this Jesus life in the best possible way. But one of the things that we really wanted to do and to achieve with this series on the Holy Spirit is not talk about the the dynamic power or the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We just really want you to hone in on the Person of the Holy Spirit and in particular, we want you to home in on the fact that He is the Holy Spirit. And so you've you've heard over the weeks, and if he's not, you can catch up on on YouTube. We had David Reyna sharing about how how God calls us to live a holy life.
We had Malcolm blessed sharing about how Jesus comes to break off the chains of sin. And we've had John He's come and shared and I'm actually going to share and unpack on one of the stories that he shared from as well. We had Jeff who brilliantly talked and I was fantastic. You don't even know what I'm going to say.
Yeah, he brilliantly talked about the death and resurrection of Jesus a few weeks ago. Is this sacred or inspiring moment that we are invited to come and partake in? So that's where we're apt. And last week I shared on how we are temples of the Holy Spirit and how particularly we that that that image and reality of the tabernacle in the temple should be baked into our lives as followers of Jesus way because we are the dwelling place for God and it was no small thing.
It is an incredible act of God has said love that his loyal love, his, his covenant extravagance to us. But it means that as we enter into that relationship, that there's an elevation in our sense of responsibility as we live together with God, because He is inside each and every one of us. And I don't know, I don't know what it's like for you guys.
I am I imagine it's a bit of a cultural phenomenon, you know, like queuing in in Britain. You don't betray the you, you don't violate the. Q When we were in the Philippines, there is no such thing as queuing in the Philippines. It just doesn't happen. And I'm looking for Maureen for confirmation. She won't be oh, no. Queuing in the Philippines is that night.
You've just got to be aggressive. Well, I'm wondering if this is a little bit like that. We have three kids, very young, as I've already said, and you can imagine what kind of state our house gets into. You can just imagine, John always likes to go to my kids and invite them and encourage them to create as much mess and carnage as possible.
I will get you back for that. John. Have no fear. But when you when you organize things and put things in the calendar for people to come around and as the days start to edge closer and closer and you think I really need to start tidying up some of this mess here, and it gets closer and closer and suddenly you enter into like a dictator mode where things must be done and must be done immediately.
And suddenly there's such energy and busyness about the house as you start to clear and all of that kind of stuff. But, but that's okay. When you've got the time to be able to do it, you can mentally prepare for it's the worst. Is the unannounced visitor right? Yeah. There should be a rule that there should be at least a half an hour text or something like that.
You get 5 minutes. I'm on the way. I'll see you in 5 minutes. And suddenly you hear the stuff. Hide, conceal, cover. Wherever you can blame kids, get through the mess, pick up the laundry and check them into the bedroom. All the doors are shut. If you see the doors are shut, you know exactly what life is like behind closed doors.
Is it just me? And then you try and get the kids involved to try and help clean up. And it just it just doesn't work. Bonnie was telling me how all they've saw a spill on the floor. So she goes across each other's across like this. She picks up a tea towel and she goes back and she starts cleaning.
She's not really cleaning. She's just spreading the water further. She does it. And then after a while she gets bored. She picks up the tea towel platter and she goes over and she puts the tea towel in the bin. Not helpful, Olive. Not helpful or. Phoebe Lesser She's seen Mummy and Daddy help with the nappies and she's desperate to help with the nappies.
So. Okay, Phoebe, it's no problem. Just. Just let you can come and help. That's no problem at all. And so what happens? I walk into the room and there she is. Olive's trousers are off, and Phoebe has been over trying to move. So know who in the floor? Bless them. But how can it be that we can more?
But a neighbor thinks of our house and what the Lord thinks. The Temple of the Holy Spirit. And I'm constantly challenged by that. I've called this talk this morning. God comes where he's wanted, and it's the secret to every revival, every awakening that's happened. God has come and presented himself to a people that are equally desire and passionate for him.
But it's not people that are just wanting his presence, people that are just wanting his power, but people that are willing to submit to His Lordship. God comes where He is truly, truly wanted. See the God of the Bible. He's not a simple God. He's not a common God. He's not one among many gods. He's not some genie in a lamp who shows up when we just give it an hard rub for our particular moments when we want him to appear.
Our God is the Lord of all heaven and earth. We've been singing about it this morning. His glory, His Majesty, His value. Nobody can fathom in any way, shape or form His glory is so great that all of heaven and earth cannot contain him. Not only is he glorious, but he is holy, distinctly over perfect in every way.
How on earth can we stand in the presence of a perfect God and live? And of course, we know this is all to do with Jesus. But the Prophet Isaiah, he has this exact same question. He has this fear in his heart where he has this vision. It's in Isaiah six of the Heavenly Court and the angels are crying out, holy, holy, holy.
And Isaiah's response is, Yes, I want a piece of that. Let's get in there. Let's join in with a chorus of angels. His response is this Woe is me, for I am undone. I'm a man of unclean lips and I live among the people of unclean lips. And my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of angelic armies.
Isaiah, you recognize, is something that we often forget. I, I affirm this in my life that our God is so pure, so clean, so holy, so perfect, so weighty, so beautiful that when we as broken, sinful, unclean, imperfect, fragile creatures enter into his presence, we cannot bear the weight of being in his perfect presence without being undone is a story of the Welsh revival.
And I can't remember off the top of my head the name of the man who led and orchestrated it and but he was their presence for for what took place there and a move that not only touched Wales but went and touched the globe. In fact, we are part of a product of that with Kerry Jones who is our apostle, the apostle over here, and coming out of that line of Welsh revival.
But instead of the man who led that time, the presence of God was so overwhelming and so manifest in those meetings that when the Welsh revival kind of stopped and subsided, he was only physically able to make one public appearance after that search. Was he undone by the presence of God? It's a serious thing, and it's why revivals and awakening starts with this acknowledgment of sin.
We love to see miracles and signs, and one does happen and there can be quite a bit of burst when stuff exciting things start to happen. But it's this conviction is utter conviction that I'm broken and I need God in order to live life in all of its fullness. The Asbury Revival Now, I don't know if everyone's heard of it, but in America, in a in a Christian university, a revival broke out and I watched the preach that started it all.
It was great, but it wasn't something special. I've sat in better preachers than what took place there. But what happened at the end of that, at the end of that preach is this woman came down and she was just a bit of a mess. She had family issues and she issued it and it ended up offending half of the campus, causing serious issues and broken relationships.
And she just came to the front of that meeting and in front of all of the people that were there. She just said, If I have offended anybody in this room, I just want you to know, I'm so sorry. Please, can you help me? And in that moment, forgiveness came and the people came forward and they stood with her and they prayed with her.
And it was the portal that opened the presence of God to come into that meeting. And what took place there was the first revival to touch Generation Z people that are 26 and younger. It was the first time where something exclusively happened for a significant group of that people to energize, to envision and to see them go into the world for Jesus.
Why? Because somebody understood about the presence of God and the holiness of God. So we're going to read a story that we don't often hear in church. It's a story in one Chronicles 13. You can also read about Saints in two Samuel as well. Just as you look for the scripture that this this story is talking about the breaking down of of altars and we're just going to go through these different altars and see what we can do in our lives to see them repaired and restored.
So I'm reading from one Chronicles 13, David conferred with each of his officers, the commanders of thousands, and commanders of hundreds, and he then said to the whole Assembly of Israel, If it seems good to you and if it is the will of the Lord, our God, let us send word far and wide to the rest of our people throughout the territories of Israel, and also to the priests and Levites who are with them in their towns and pestilence to come and join us.
Let us bring the ark of our God back to us. But we did not inquire of it. During the reign of saw. The whole assembly agreed to this because it seemed right to all the people. So David assembled all Israel from the Eagle River in Egypt to labor Hamas to bring the Ark of God from Kiryas, Jeremy, David and all Israel went to Bala of Judah.
This is curious, Jeremy, to bring up from there the Ark of the God, the Ark of the Lord who was enthroned between the cherubim, the ark that is called by the name. They moved the Ark of God from a Bennett Dobbs house on a new cart with Azar in Ohio guiding it. David and all the Israelites, they were celebrating with all their might before God, with songs and with harps, with lights, timbral, cymbals and trumpets.
And when they came to the threshing floor of Kingdom as it reached out his hand to study the Ark because the oxen stumbled, the Lord's anger burned against us, and he struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God. And David was angry because the Lord's wrath had broken out against us.
And to this day, that place is called Peres. As a and oh, my things Commissioner and the Ark of God and David took the Ark of God and took it to the house of Obed, Edam, and the Ark of God remained with the family of Obeidi in his house for three months, and the Lord blessed his household and everything he had.
So what we see here is a systemic breakdown of altars. The first one we see is the breakdown of the altar of the region, and OTES is a really, really important and because this is a place where there is an exchange between God and the people, and what we see is that there is no altar between the community of people here and that of the Lord.
I'll explain now. So the Ark of the Covenant, it's been out of action for 20 years. And if we rewind to last week, the Ark of the Ark of the Covenant, it was the footstool of God's throw that was placed in the most holy of places in the tabernacle. And only once a year get the priest come in for the atonement of all the sins of the people of Israel.
And that's where the presence of God was. Now, 20 years previously, there was a guy called Eli He was High Priest, and he wasn't a particularly good high priest, and his two sons thought it would be a great thing to do to take the Ark of the Covenant as a bit of a lucky charm and take it out and to war with the Philistines.
They actually served against it because the Philistines saw it. They were terrified and they thought, okay, let's try extra hard to make sure that we beat these guys. And lo and behold, what happened? They beat them and they stole the Ark of the Covenant. They claimed it as their own and they went and they took the Ark, the Covenant back into their territory, and they set it up in a temple to one of their gods.
where the valuable go before they come into pool.
Oh, my goodness. This is something totally don't the time to take a look at all those other players that people like to go, oh, my goodness, this is not good in the pool. So they want to spend it. So they have to go expensive. But what about like a one and this is this wonderful that's work ethic. This sacrifices ability that then sets in the ground, decided to say, well there now the are terrible And so they said yeah to put it up the look and see what it says
It's one thing to use it to use something that's public. And this is something which is great that the region. And so David comes in, he says, let's go and bring down the schools. And so what they do is they go, oh, the on the cards. Now, if you're good at the public eye, you can engage in exactly the same thing.
Takes me out of the coffee shop because the cameras we use. And one of the reasons that there's several reasons, actually, why you shouldn't do it like that. What we are going to have is the poles and the sides of these long poles. And as you move closer, you've got to stay on top of it, the out of the covenant.
And there's this animal skin barrier that is taking place between two others carrying the invites and the out to make sure that there's no opportunity for you to touch it.
And then it carries like a litter. And the reason we do that is because if one involves very likely that all three of you can afford to be better protected and the same chance of you accidentally touching the opposite. But more importantly, this is the very key to the parents, the trust and the need to treat. And they are not treating God love them.
This is not good news, right? That the owners of the region. And the last thing that take us as they should, and you see this picture of all the different websites, they you know, these guys are separating all their lives before Dark Souls and the hearts of lions, animals and symbols and trumpets like on the dry the of reality or sometimes it's blocking everyone's attention.
You have a fantastic time because their sacrifices sometimes sacrifices are needed to make this a lot of sacrifices of the organizers. These are hopeful that this and so this community of people that we're supposed to engage in representation across the state to the kingdom, it shares its values and his mission into the world. That's exactly what I was looking at over the course of that.
The alternative region that you see over a thousand that you see also, he's not showing a true generation. There is a certain thing that an Avenger received because back in another town in Israel, 70 people only, they got it. So they terrified every now and again and, you know, sit up and touch it. And yeah, for some reason those are things it's a this hasn't happened and shared this knowledge share is of those that this is why happened last time actually really careful to at least say something like that it doesn't have to stem from what was it comes in does is the art this is the as the artist and also the occupation goes
next is that you've got to stand on the other side of the story. Why change lives every time as well? Why did you care? It seems a better reason is just true to the test you are. What is do you see? What was it there was? He thought that his heart was created for. It's it's really easy to ask that and ignorance answer.
My boss said forget it. No sacrifices, no offerings, nothing at all as it comes with insurance and lays in. So I was for and you see the this was quite who's going to say it and answer for that. But before we get to the one of the most passionate, you know one and one suppose they claim that they he is and he has an appeal of.
I wonder if this was a personal reflection of the school taking the best of and you can say that to as a story or another level as everything in the Bible. A lot of great places, like I said in the public space in such a powerful way, the people were only willing to church and get there because they were just an individual which has been blessed.
And it all started because to us wanted to see what are the best. And they said, Hey, we're going to make it right for us on this particular night of the week. And if you say we're going to see this. And so the pastor to be reading it and they were crying and there was one meeting where the pastors got deacons together as a deacon stood up and he wrote these words, you can or because of the radical he is, he has and this is how his temperament and for a story about the that was the that he is that that what are various parts of the in addressing the many of the office bearers
and what is the same crew getting counsel for that it seems to me so much to be waiting as we are waiting to be brilliant. Is we all right when we are not like being related to go the reference times for us? All I have to do is my heart is my heart. Then he went to his knees for the last to five years.
But it happens is don't ask me to stay physical as fast as it is beautiful. Because I thought this idea that something happened at that moment in that and there was a challenge to this, it sure has an awareness of God close together as the most remarkable. Hebrides said that he has, I feel. So we're seeing a breakdown of the regions in the breakdown that we have seen, the breakdown of the hearts, and this is in David's personal response to what is going on.
And what they really need to hear is East is the magic that they eventually ascendency here is establishing itself as the main political power in this world. And he wants to establish his character and engage time. It's really going to have is that the season of your political power and also the seeds of your spiritual power? And so because it takes it takes for the journey south of Scotland.
So now I'm not going to go there in the tabernacle. I will set up the and my power will be established and, and so because everything we've done does it not by I come because we have this tyranny of worship looking it over, it always stretches out this time. And so we agreed that David was affirming that yes, you know, why are you doing this?
I'm just doing this for you to establish your power, to establish your own interest. You kingdom. Why are you doing this? To keep it going. You want to go and when God shows up because better is, God has something that He wants to say is like this letter. Okay. And tells me about. I don't know where I was when I was in school.
I know that this is the patient that maybe when I was at school at all is just an ability everyone had and also that things were just things to school and you get everything ready. So. ECB you ask Sharon sharing around and I'm ashamed to say and I. I felt as we child with this and I remember that I was one of the Christian in school and I remember we came to visit you said yeah I go for a walk around the grounds.
And as we began the school day and she said, I just think it's wrong and always temptations. And I know you were scared. Obviously, you must be sure of these temptations. And I said, I've a fellowship. I went to a bunch of things that were just I don't want to be say, I don't know what happened, but I just pray that he didn't read that or that Xavier my officials knew what I was doing and make it through this adversity to tell me what I was doing because it would be wrong.
I don't want to hear what changes there and thinking about saying they it's you and taking your life as exactly that. They didn't take you up as a book of programs and says you can either be a slave to sales enterprise. There's no say where the wrong thing is that was never engaged. And that's why I don't want to go was until like it was they because the street to speak to me where it was that she should I wasn't completely but they did it in three months and I was and the interviews whatever it is there is isn't it that.
And then they take me for that. And then as you need to take a but it's a shame all of the things that they do is by the data and personal data and those people, that's one. And what we say do you just can't tell you this is what's taking place at the station. Okay. We're seeing the opposite of the chickens at his house.
That's the So I don't know why they begin to imagine that he didn't mean to say to the EU, but became a very school jack, which is a contested territory between Philistines and the Israelites. What it basically means is that he was a nobody from the I know this, David, it is not in his power comes all the components.
So there's no you can do that in you can set as ourselves and just the other said and what we make of the story that you just that I just how blessed and so it must be often the context where's my tool to use in every story different crisis bible and it just devours it as well obviously this places in the tabernacle every single time to shoot be in the best possible way.
And me and my family, I mean, we ensure that we live where and blessing us. I wouldn't come into top of it as well as it's entertaining and the restoration of all things. I see you to ask for compensation. I don't have anything to say. I mean, what was it like? I very often ask Harry and you ask if you had said because you the that the summary that David since has been his blessing over the visiting significant I think it's the heading to see David House and it must have had some kind of conversation with him and it must be because the only place that they set aside is that he's going to try
again. And to David is he says it's always in the past and we need to get that. And one of those things that David said, yes, it's funny that he says it's kind of your fault in David's talking about language things. But, you know, I do. I think probably that because it is a cover up and it is it's an interesting writing to do with it.
What he says is that there was great celebration because nobody died and they didn't see all the negative stuff. Let's put some sacrifices and do some sacrifices. And so then I think what we have is which was a support. Well, she says it's all that. And what we really hope look for 16 is a started at about 518.
Okay so he's not a high priest. He's not from his own family anyway, but he wants to do everything that he can do to be in the presence of God. And so what we be is that He wants to be a worshiper. And David and so over to the is is three months. But the opportunities it is is so good I should be tested out of that that all star sort of and so you're next the rest of his life helping to create the nation and worship across as a big presence of God if he's excited about the state of South Asia for this is a the so I wonder if this something which is
a genuine reflection of space and songs and of the school you to first for a day in your course. It's better to have said I would rather be a gatekeeper as well it's has a reason just to get as opposed to what Chronicles 26 If you go to these establishing the divisions and worship the Christmas forward and this is stuff that we're always going to and things we agree that all 62 over the his descendants for some people 16 to so as he is rebuilding to deal with this I imagine his heart is good he is intent on making sure that his father understand the significance of what it means to follow Jesus, be seen
as a leader, the desire to worship obedience so as to make the presence about the freedoms that they become. It's obedience, the presence. And then that goes and spreads to believe us. It's mischaracterizations of the religious community. I guess now that these things take you back, then those those who worship and then it spreads to his nation, who under the leadership of David sets up 24 seven worship and then we stop presence from the hospital back to the religious community and nature.
And we see revival takes time. And the next generation, which is revival, is more to seriously go.
And we have new people. So the of the group of people get we take seriously the hopes and the glory we need to acknowledge. It is that we're inviting it. We're going to accept his terms of access. He just and said I am the way the truth in the life is no way out For me, it's all about Jesus.
So if we want to make a difference of what the positive role is, all of us, we know just how we welcome Jesus as well. Why we submit everything to Jesus. It's not just coming into my house because we are like that. It's us. It's having the standards of Jesus. Thank goodness, the average days of sacrifices and it ought to be otherwise out of service today.
And then the first thing, although I would like to see the church, we have a confidence in Jesus. Is that because when you see Jesus that if a part sacrificing to you, this unbelievable power of discipline is an instrument that is part of this city, this love, which is all of us and makes us righteous, it goes up and allows us to be seeing through Jesus so that we can see and live right.
The fool doesn't know that they have a moral obligation to ensure that the establishment loves, He loves and is totally based and based on his career as so citizen. We live within the story of cross present designs presence. We never talk about just to come something times we desire his presence without anything that the outcomes of what is going to actually want it goes to the government and all the stuff of the container for that in all our service.
Fantastic. And it's not to be often interesting. One of the blues names I would get but just wants us to because he's got the living and then we choose to. So then on his terms. And so these are the kinds of things that other unions represent the baby boxes. It is not just simply symbolic. We have long Jesus as prepared in our house as he sang Die, Die, or Jesus Die, the resurrection, resurrection, life.
And it's going to experience it without any barriers just to shed all these altars. So you have to take those or you're going to offer opera is going to be the first one. Just stay with us, which is give space for the Holy Spirit to create anything for these people, for America to such people that it's physical space to get the dangers of sensory testing brings with it.
As this of you said know there's something I sensed the superiority of ways in which we we deal with. I remember the first time a friend said how they went to their protest, which has weakened standing confidence outside of our Jesus. And we now we've seen that this time. The significance of that with the way that like the other side of the altar, the founding a testament to the potency of lies, the people that other, the spiritual and the physical restraints they need to assert.
Because a lot of people as represented, if we just come with all these people are we often find it difficult to know what to say to how we get to the next generation or how we get past what is or how is how should we have a voice to lead people into this? Lot of the question is not there is lots of people that we don't see and nation and generation as just for was.
So we ask that by the spirit we can first impressions of the people around us. And that is because because emotion there's no excuse the meaning that so we can see our families as a stronger or still potential relationship. So they also are reaching out to another person to see what they. I remember being in a collaborative meeting for the first time in the stage period, and one of the best piece of religious as I ever have to say, And that of course, is the best thing about nation.
The best thing about him is that he year old Jesus. And you can just see that interaction as we in the wake of the I remember the week he was he was riddled with cancer. He was reading you. And at the end he was talking about the voice and how the world is now, the church saying the prophets will rise up and bring you to this nation as a church.
It sounds racist, but who speaks the words of this is. And he was so flying through that speech to me, you have to sit down that you will never, never be able to stop quoting. Soviet leaders are great generals, but it is so much as one says Jesus serves. Insiders said the size of the Bible is the greatest thing of all the people of Jesus.
People remember saying, he said, Is this so? It's so the end.
Who will be strong? Stand with me. So let me know. There are things that are will go along with the same thing. And people say, Do you hear the distant travels? It is the future. And they were weapons of mass tyranny just stood up. So when you stand with me, you really stand with me. As we proclaim the key to our union, as we keep playing the kingdom one nation, as we can claim kingdoms, the blood.
When you stand with civilizations, we now this is only one state. So now where do you stand? Where do you stand with the. Because we know that's the case where people are always saying that the to concede as we see people then to the pressures of this world, as we see people consumed by lies about themselves. But what about the way they should behave, the act because we see people that are trapped in bondage will be and will be standing next to these people, will be helpful.
Will we love those? Will be sure to love Jesus Christ. What we need is to have our ultimate resolution that we can go worship with God as a couple of this. But we should not give chosen by saved, by being restored by people. And we deserve this. So if you want to see your walking into a new America just as it is, have the media onto this.
Also, we want more of as we want from you all here online. We are our sites and we say to go what we need to do, we need to do what we need to do. We will think it will be interesting to see what we need to see will be it and carry. Which is your purpose? It is a living room that we go into every house on every street, every conversation, people, the negotiator, we ourselves in the negotiations