Roger Aubrey: Holy Power
Good morning, everyone. And thank you, Jeff. I think and I'm glad you finished. Well, at one point I thought it's time to start the car. It's great to see you all again. And thank you very much for the invitation to come and be with you. I'm realizing this lectern was not made for a five foot nine Welshman, but this made for you days for Jeff.
It's okay. It's great to see you and to hear what God has been doing among you and seeing you folks and just to come back and and really involve for another day and tonight we'll be meeting again. If you'd like to come out with Countryfile or whatever else is on. And we're going to talk about going global. So bring your passports and I was very blessed by the testimony by that wonderful lady.
I assume you're from. You're from. You're from the Northern Ireland. My wife's a mansion. Where are you from? She's from County, Armagh. And that's okay. That's all right. I guarantee you, when they start to talk afterwards, they'll both know someone in common. But you Irish people together, they always know someone. But I was very blessed by that. I was also really blessed by your testimony, John.
And as you were sharing that, there's a verse that we live by at some 37, verse 25, and it says, I was young and now I'm old. That doesn't apply to you. But living through all seasons of life. It says, I've never seen the righteous forsaken and that children never bake bread. And you've made some great decisions, but you will suffer no loss.
You will always have food on your table. You will have enough to pay all your bills. God will prosper you because you put him first. You will never be forsaken and your children will never, ever bake bread. Well done. I commend you. Thank you. Could you turn your Bibles, please, to Exodus chapter three? Understanding that you're emphasizing the Holy Spirit and especially the dimensions of His life, His Holiness and things like that.
Is that right? That's good. Otherwise, we're in trouble. And I want to talk to you this morning in that line about having a holy power. When Jesus promised us you will receive power in acts tsunamis, that would power ability. It has a quality to it. It's a holy power. And I want to trace it through. We're going to read some scriptures and have a patient with me.
We're going somewhere and we're going to begin in Exodus chapter three. It's relevant. What you find in the book of Exodus is that it's the book of the Scripture where holiness starts to be emphasized. You see it in the fall, but then Genesis, it's more to do with faith and believing and trusting God. And then in Exodus, when God meets Moses, you see this beginning of an emphasis on the God who is holy holiness.
By the way, I'm sure you've been told this holiness really means simply being set apart comes from a word, meaning it's a cut cut into. And so. So when something is holy, it's set apart. That's the essence of it. When you came to Christ, you were set apart, and that's what it means. It also talks about the moral quality, the moral character, the purity of God.
So let's read and we find now how this begins. And this is the story of when Moses, who was 40 years previously, has run away from Egypt after killing the Egyptian. And it says this in excess three, Moses was shepherding the flock of his father in law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the first side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God And the angel of you always assumed the name appeared to him in a flame of fire within a bush.
As Moses looked, he saw that the bush was on fire, but it wasn't consumed. So Moses thought, I'm going over there to look at this remarkable sight. Why isn't the bush burning up? And when you always saw that he'd gone over to look, God called to him from the bush. Moses, Moses, here I am. The answer. Don't come closer.
God said, take your sandals off your feet for the place where you're standing is holy ground. And then he continued, I'm the God of your father. I'm the God of Abraham. I'm the God of Isaac. I'm the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God. And then the story unfolds. You know, if you know the story of God tells him he's going to send him back into Egypt to deliver the people out of slavery and bring them into the promised land.
And I'm always encouraged because Moses says, Boy, have you got the wrong man. And he wriggles and he's wriggles and he tries to make every excuse. But God says, I'm sorry, I've made the choice. Let's go back down to this 19 then, and this is where we're going to go. So God says to him in verse 19, Now, now I know that the King of Egypt won't allow you to go unless he's forced by a strong hand to notice that a strong hand.
So I'm going to stretch out my hand and I'll strike Egypt with all my miracles. We call them plagues. He called them miracles that I will perform in it. And after that, he'll let you go. And I'll give your people such favor in the sights of the Egyptians that when you go, you won't go empty handed. Each woman will ask a neighbor and any woman staying in a house for silver and gold, jewelry and clothing.
You'll put them on your sons and daughters and so you will plunder the Egyptians. Chapter four. Then Moses said to him, What if they will believe me and won't obey me, but say y'all way didn't appear to you? So you always ask them, What's that in your hand? A staff, he replied. God said, I'll throw it on the ground.
So Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake. Moses ran away from it, but the army told him, Stretch out your hand and grab it by the tail. So Moses stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand again. This will take place, God said, so that they will believe that Yahweh, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob has appeared to you.
God demonstrated here his holy power in a new way. I think pretty much sure in the Scriptures this is the first time you're going to see a man or woman move in a supernatural dimension. You see faith, you see Abraham. He sees things happen. But by a man's hand, a supernatural manifestation takes place. That's amazing.
It's an expression of the supernatural power of God's kingdom. God showed it to Moses, and then he showed it through him. He said, I'm going to stretch out my hand. Now, Moses, you stretch out your hand. And in the moment he did that, Moses hand became the hand of God. You understand that something happened. Moses received a holy power because he had come and he'd encountered the Holy God.
And the first thing God said was this I want to show my holy power and I'm going to show it to you through your hands, through your life. Did you notice that Moses grabbed the serpent by the tail? I am sure David Attenborough would balk at that. You don't grab a snake by its tail. If you're like me, you don't grab a snake at all.
It's not the natural thing to do. But God wanted to show Moses the spiritual authority that he had and got it anointed him with the Holy Spirit. That's who we're talking about. To do something out of the ordinary, out of the natural. You say you're got to be kidding me. To pick up a snake. And all my stuff was just become this real snake.
And now you're telling me to pick it up? Yes. And pick it up by its tail. What kind of god are you? I'm the God of a holy power. And I'm showing you that I have a holy power and an A and an anointing and an authority that I'm giving to you today, Moses. Don't worry. It's going to come down to us if we patient with the story.
You see the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the power, this holy power was not in the staff. It wasn't in the wood. It was in Moses. It was in his hand. It was in him. God anointed him. God had given him the Holy power. And later Aaron, his brother. He gave him the power of the Holy Spirit. Go to Exodus chapter seven, please.
We okay so far? What's that got to do with us in 2023 and Southport? Well, everything. Everything. Exodus, Chapter seven and seven. What happens is Moses in there and go, of course, to Pharaoh and we'll pick it up. Now. Moses. Chapter seven Exodus. Chapter seven. The seven says Moses was 80 years old and Aaron was 83 when they spoke to Pharaoh.
This is an aside You're never too old, folks. So for the good of you're never too old. Don't disqualify yourself because you're 70, 75, 80. And don't disqualify yourself because you're 15 or ten. God is no respective age. Moses is 80. They're in 83. When they spoke to Farah. No, you're really not too old. Please do not say you're too old to be used by God.
The wise. We'll just get the funeral service ready. You always said to Moses and Aaron, when Faron tells you perform a miracle, tell Aaron take your stuff and throw it down before Pharaoh and it'll become a serpent. So Moses never went into Pharaoh and did just as Yahweh it commanded, and then threw down his stuff before Pharaoh and his officials.
And it became a serpent. You think? Oh, fantastic. Check that out, Pharaoh. But then Pharaoh called the wise men and his sorcerers the magicians of Egypt. And they did the same thing by their occult practices. If he was on it, we thought we had a winner. But they can do the same thing as us. They threw down their staffs and they became serpents.
Noticed this, but our staff swallowed this. Ha, ha. That's a clue. Aaron Staff swallowed their staffs. Why? Because the Holy power of God is the greatest power in the world. Do you know what we have to face? The fact we're in a supernatural battle. We are in a spiritual battle. The Kingdom of God has an enemy. It's the dominion of darkness.
Friends, I'm realizing more in these days. God does not call me into this to play games. We're not playing a game. This is serious stuff. When we start getting hold of a holy God, we're entering his life and his dominion and engaging with an enemy who hates him. But God has a holy power and he's giving it to us and we are in this kingdom, and the kingdom always wins.
If you don't believe that, I believe it Today. Aaron Staff overcame the cultic serpents because the Kingdom of God is the kingdom of holiness, righteousness and peace and joy and power in the Holy Spirit. It has a real dynamic. It's real. It's powerful. So when our friend here says someone prayed for me and I was freed from my anxiety, my depression, the Kingdom of God, the Holy power of God was at work.
It wasn't just someone, Oh, let's pray for us and see what happens. God is working in power. It's an amazing thing.
See, when the Kingdom of God is in action, guess who wins? Always the kingdom of a holy God always overcomes. But it has to overcome. There is an enemy. We have a holy power because we have to exercise it. We can't just sit in theory. I cannot just be a theory, Christian. I have to do it and we'll talk more about that tonight.
See, many of the ten miracles or plagues that God brought in Egypt. Are preceded by Moses or Aaron stretching out their hand. Go to chapter eight, if you would, please think. Well, this is Old Testament. Yes, I know it's Old Testament, but we're going to go into the New Testament in a moment. We will see the same thing.
But you have to realize, if I can stress, we're not playing a game. This is real stuff. Day to day stuff. I'm not saying you can be casting demons every moment of every day, but every day you're living in this kingdom. You're expressing the holy power of God to a fallen world in whatever way. Now, notice what we're going to find is because often in the early plagues of miracles, the magicians of Egypt could could replicate them.
They could do it.
But this one, they can't. This is the first one that they can't. And in verse 16 of Exodus eight, he always said to Moses, Tell Aaron, stretch out your stuff and strike the dust of the earth. If you know your Bible. Have you ever come across that phrase the dust of the Earth before? Who was formed from the dust of the earth?
Adam. It's a clue for you. This is a creative miracle. Not like the others. Strike the dust of the earth, and it will become gnats throughout the land of Egypt. And they did this. And there and stretched out his hand with his stuff. And when he struck the dust of the earth, natural man and dust and all the dust of the earth became gnats throughout the land of Egypt.
It's like being in Scotland in the summer.
I'm afraid if I refuse to let Scott's friends, the magicians, try to produce gnats using their occult practices. But they couldn't. And then that's remained on man and bees. Now notice what they say. Not just what they say. The magicians said to Pharaoh, This is the finger of God. This is bigger than us. We cannot beat this. We cannot replicate it.
We can't do this. Why? Because this was a creative miracle. The finger of God. They said this is the finger of God. We cannot stand against the finger of God. God is at work in a way, in a dimension beyond this, beyond our power, beyond our ability. We can do certain things, but we cannot beat this because this is the very hand finger spirit of God at work.
And it terrifies us. And we know we're beaten. That's amazing. You realize the kingdom of God you have come in to in this holy power is unassailable. You have to work and you have to prevail. But the kingdom cannot be beaten. It's nothing. It's just realized that today we're not playing a game but are having a great time.
Let's go to the New Testament now, Please. What's the Matthew Chapter four? Now, we could spend all morning talking about Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but there's many verses that just kind of summarize what he did, what he's doing, what he's up to. Can you imagine the stir he made when this carpenter from Nazareth comes along and he says, The spirit of the living God is upon me to preach good news to the poor.
He'll sick. And then he goes out, starts doing it. Matthew Chapter four This 23 just kind of on summary verse, as you find throughout the Gospels, and it says Jesus went throughout Galilee teaching in the synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness among the people. And you think everybody love it? Well, ordinary folks did, but not the religious leaders, not the Pharisees, not the teachings of the law.
And they followed him around and they opposed him. And they said, We don't like what you're doing. You make us feel uncomfortable. And then they went to the source and they said, We we really know what you're doing, how you're doing it. You're doing it because the devil is at work. And you think that's crazy logic. Yeah, we see you casino demons, but you're doing it by the devil.
I mean, that's crazy. And then Jesus said something to them one day. If you look at Luke, Chapter 11, please. And this is where we're going. Bring it home to us. In Luke, chapter 11, verse 20, Jesus was answering the and he uses this phrase afraid. It's not a laugh a minute this morning, but I really want to get this.
It's become more serious for me in these days. And he says this Listen, this 20, if I drive out demons by the finger of God, you just said that, then the kingdom of God has come to you. Matthew's version. In Matthew's version, Matthew has Jesus saying this If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, then the kingdoms come to you.
It's really come by the finger of God. You see, folks, the finger of God that these magicians in Egypt saw was the Holy Spirit, the Holy power of God at work. They said, This is a dimension we know nothing about. Jesus says the Holy Spirit is holy. Power of God is here to bring in the Kingdom of God.
You see, the Kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit. Everything that we're talking about and you're talking about, it's all to do with the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, holiness. It's peace and justice in the Holy Spirit. It's not just things that we do. We do. We do. It's very who we are, that we are filled with.
The Holy Spirit. And when He comes, he naturally comes with a holy power. He doesn't come and say, I'm going to give you righteousness, I'm going to give you peace, and I'm going to give you joy. No, I'm going to give you the holy a divine ability to live this kingdom that will shot this world and will confuse and defeat every opponent that stands against you.
You will break chains. You will break barriers just by who you are living in your world. That's where we're going to go tonight. Is this okay? You see, the kingdom of God is a kingdom of action.
It's a kingdom of doing. Jesus demonstrated the kingdom, he said. You see what I do? You hear the things I say. You see what I teach. You see how I take a child? I'm blessed. You see how I unkind to the poor. You see how I treat the downcast and the poor and the widow and the leper and the Samaritan.
You see how I'm living? Not just by the church. You see how I live every day? And he said, I'm living by the finger of God. I'm living by the finger of God. I'm living by the spirit of God. It's natural. Every time Jesus spoke to someone, every time Jesus did an act of kindness. Every time Jesus sat down and gave someone his time, every time he laid hands on a sick person, or every time he would say, Oh, Zacchaeus, I'm coming for dinner.
And by the way, this message is sponsored by Boughton Lodge, Southport that's being built in Southport. Every time he performed a miracle, everything, the Holy power of God was at work. The Kingdom came. Every act was a demonstration. Why? Because Jesus life is an example of holy power. These don't think power is only for when. In a meeting, when someone lays hands on you and you fall on the floor, that can be.
But Jesus lived every day by the finger of God. He said, What's in my hand? I have the power to do and to live today. Do you know this is very ordinary stuff? It's not rocket science. Not. It's not even profound. It's just simple. Could you turn, please with me to X chapter ten? You know, today's the same.
Every time someone is born again. It's anybody ever been born again. That's helpful. Has every anyone ever been healed? And we never had a prayer answer. And nobody ever received encouragement. Anybody had a miracle of finance. And anybody will ever walk through a valley of a shadow of death and come out the other side. Guess what was going on?
The holy power of God is at work. It's the Holy power of God that the magicians of Egypt said. This is different folks. You know, folks, you're living in a different realm from your neighbors. You're living in a different world from your fellow students. You're not the same because the holy power of God is working. You. In next chapter ten, this 48 with Peter this is many, many years later, is with Cornelius, this Roman centurion of the Gospels about to break out into the Gentile world.
And he's talking about Jesus. And he says, You've heard about this Jesus of Nazareth. And it says, You've heard how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and this power, this dynamic ability. And that is what he does. He says, first of all, he said he went around doing good, right? Well, I guess he didn't say much about the miracles, but he said, you know what he did?
He just did good. The Holy Spirit anointed him with the power just to do good. You see, Don't make it about them. Well, it's all about this. It's going around in your life, in your world, which we can look at doing good. Do you think you can do good this week?
Do you think you can just. Tomorrow. Tuesday. Wednesday to good. Course you can. It comes naturally, doesn't it? I met you last night. That was a good meal. Thank you. Good chef. You cooked it, didn't you? Yes. Do you think you can live a life just doing good. Such a day. I want to show you how ordinary this holy power is.
But in a world that is destroying itself through cruelty, you just have to look on social media, Twitter, and all these Facebook things. The cruelty and the nastiness and the harm and the damage that people can do. But you're not like that because there's a holy power in you just to do good. Saying that because I'm going to ask the Holy Spirit to show you your week in a moment.
And it says He went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil. You have to realize everybody you meet who doesn't know Jesus. I'm not saying they've all got demons, but they're living under the power of the devil. And he's doing everything he can to keep them in his power. But you are very dangerous.
You are extremely dangerous because in you is the same power that was in Moses and Aaron when they stretched out their hand, nothing less. Please don't look at these men thinking, Oh, these are the great heroes. I wish I could be like that. They are nothing in some way compared to what you've got, because the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in you.
He's not just turning up to do miracles. He's living in you every moment of every day and every word you speak, every act of kindness, every doing good, everything you do, and then going to have a hand or a word or a generous spirit, you're breaking down the power of the devil. You're killing him with kindness. You said, What's that got to do with that?
Holy power, everything. Folks, please don't divorce thinking, Well, I've got my Christian life. You have a life and your life is filled with the holy power of God. Peter And now we've just got one more scripture, if I may, and I'm going to tell you two things. Okay? I know you're quiet, but that's all right. I used to be.
Once they say Amen, amen. And I suddenly realize the more I'm sitting in meetings, sometimes when someone says, Can I get an amen on this? I'm saying, I'm not sure yet. I'm still working out what you're saying. You find that it's okay. He wants me to say amen, but I'm not sure if I can agree yet because I'm not ready.
I don't know what he's talking about, What I'm trying to. I'm trying to get it. That's fine. I know what we're talking about here will have an impact way beyond these moments that look at John chapter 14, please. I do like you. We may look at the scripture before John 14, verse 12, you said, Well, where does it come into us?
Well, we know when Jesus promised it in Acts chapter one, you'll receive power when the Spirit comes upon you and you're going to be my witnesses. But earlier in John 14, he breaks it down to something really. I mean, this is atomic. This is powerful and used to frighten me because he says this in John 14, verse 12, he says, Now, I assure you, he says, You can really believe this as if you're not going to believe everything else.
He says, is it? Now get this, Roger, get this, David, get this, Julia, get this. Anyone? Anyone? You're on anyone, aren't you a someone? Yes, you are. Anyone and anyone who believes in me. Do you believe in heaven? You're still in anyone who believes in me. We'll do the work today to what?
Hang on a second. Jesus, You're telling me because you're going and you're sending the Holy Spirit, this Holy power, I will do the works. You too? Yes. I don't believe you. Don't watch. You're going to have to change. But, Jesus, I've never raised anybody from the dead, he says. I didn't say that. I said, You will do the works I've been doing.
You'll live like me. You'll do what I do. You see, I used to be false again, but I How can I compare myself to Jesus? If it's 5000 people, I can't even chicken Alfredo, you might. You're doing that for 5000 people every night with nothing. Me? Bless you. You didn't even have mushrooms last night. It's okay. I could create mushrooms.
We had a great night. Jesus says, Well, I'm just qualified. Just know. Now get what I'm saying. You're going to live like me. You live like me. You'll do what I've been doing. She don't do fault. It's a reason from the dead. You only race free for three or four. Well, I know my Bible that my friend Chandra can chowder in and then just raise more than that is raised nine.
But Jesus, how many dead people does Jesus meet in all his life? And you only raised three them from the dead. It's not a great success rate, isn't it? Do with that brick. Just smash all that, he says. Jeff, you're going to. You're going to live like me. You live like me the way I am. What I do, you do think, okay, got that.
And then he says this so fast, Drudge, he says, and that you'll do you'll do even greater works in these Jesus. Now you've left the universe. I'm afraid. No, He's saying this really? I should think. Well, how can I do greater works than Jesus? He didn't say greater than me. He says greater works than these. What's he saying?
But simply saying this to us, and this is the. This is just what it's all about. It says, because I'm going to the Father the holy power that is now contained in me will no longer just be contained in me. I'm giving him to you and to you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you.
And you. And you. And you. And you. So great works means this. We're going global. You see, when Jesus was on Earth, if you came to South Pole, you wouldn't find him. He wasn't in, he was in Jerusalem or Capernaum, he wasn't in Southport, but he is now. Oh he is now his holy powers at work now where don't you feel rather impotent?
You think, Jesus, you've got the wrong lady, which is I got the right lady because I called. You know, I just here, I'm just. I'm just filling the seat. I just come to church. No, you don't. You were come into a kingdom and you've been filled with the holy ability and the holy power of God greater than that that moves in there and showed that day we have gone global.
Can I just tell you two stories as we finish and then that's all I got for you this morning. So, okay, the very ordinary these are things that happened to Diane and me. We were at a conference in Norway and we've been talking about these things and have how Jesus has this holy power for us. And I was teaching on this and I just said, you know, really, when you put your hands on someone, they are the hands of Jesus.
They really are. You should know that yours. I know. But the Jesus hands. And I thought, that's a great way to finish the session. If you come back later, we'll talk more about this. Well, the next session was the next morning and later that day we were sitting around having some coffee and a friend of ours who'd recently had a baby, she'd had a baby about two months previously, and everything was fine with the baby and everything was fine.
The lady, except for one thing, she gave birth and just moments later, her face this side became paralyzed. It wasn't Bell's palsy, but it was a parallax. So this whole this whole side of the face had dropped. So she had nothing there. And lovely lady. And she said she came up to us in the in the having to we were just sitting having tea and coffee you know normal it was, it was like this other the music and said the big appeal we were just sitting having coffee and she said you know when you finish the session today and you said about the hands of you have the hands of Jesus said, yes.
She said, You really believe that? Not accusing me. She said all afternoon. She said, I wasn't resting, sleeping. And all this was at the hands of Jesus. Hands of Jesus. I just need I just need the hands of Jesus to touch me. Said you really believe you have the hands of Jesus? I can't say, Well, you're not trying to leave, you know.
I said, Yes, I do. He said, Then put Jesus hands on my face. Then she didn't say, Pray for me. She said, Put Jesus hands on my face. So she used to listen. She you hear that? He it. I saw and I did. And I said, Put my hands in her face. Yes. What happened? So I went back or something.
I went fantastic. We were having a cup of tea. But she said, Do you really believe it? Yes. What is that? Because you're a preacher? No, I'm just Roger Aubrey, aged 70. Looking good. You were slow then, but I just want to share how ordinary it is then. Just. But you do that then? Yes. And she was hailed.
This was at the same conference. It was. We met another lady. We've met before and she's a lovely lady. And she was in the middle thirties, I think was. And she and her husband had walked out on it just a few weeks before you remind me to tell the story and left it with three young children. And she would she was moved into the area to come back to the church and family, and it left her with anything destitute.
And she wasn't asking us for anything. And she just said, I said, How are you? She told us the story. And he didn't ask with any money, nothing at all. She had nothing to change. And of course the church, they were going to help her. But I thought, you know, you want to you want to help. The only problem was we were in no way and we didn't have any krona.
We no, sorry, we had already put it in the offering because we were really spiritual. Get out of jail on that one. Yeah. One of us was spiritual. She's on tonight. I get my own back. Anyway, I thought, Oh. So we look around. I thought. I thought, I want to give us some krona. I didn't say I thought so.
I've got to give some I want to give us some krona just to help her because Diane, who giving it all the way to the Lord was no help. It's my story. And so she this is how ordinary it is. I want to break it down, really ordinary. So I started look around all all the brothers and sisters like, well, one of you hear from God, please and come over and give me 100 kroner to 500 for ten quid or whatever.
But I'm just waiting and not one of them couple hundred people is in No one spiritual in this place. And none of you listening to the Holy Spirit right now, I'm just not one of them got had of plans. They are spiritual people. Anyway, I got frustrated and I thought. So we went for lunch and I'm sitting there because we thought it was the last.
It was a Sunday and the lunch is breaking up after we going home and then we sit there and she came and sat at our table and which made it worse. I mean, she, she wasn't begging, asking for it. She's just a lovely lady. And I'm thinking, I want to get help. You want to give you something. And no one is coming and saying, here, I, I just felt the Holy Spirit tell me to give you this for seed for someone, not one of them.
It never goes to plan. So I sit in there and then what happened was the conference organizer came in and she started giving away gifts and she was. I do you know, they're very generous. She started giving everybody flowers and stuff, didn't she? Really generous. And all the who'd helped all the people who had worked and everything. And I'm sitting there and nothing came our way at all.
I'm not thinking, hey, I know we've been here for conference. You know, it has to. I just thought, okay, that's great, that's great, that's great. And it was all over and we were just sitting there thinking, Oh, well, Lord, I've missed the opportunity. I was beating myself up. And then I, the lady organized to come. She came out of the kitchen with a bar of milk, a chocolate.
She was having a moment. The best chocolate in the world. Norwegian milk, Chocolate. Milk. Chocolate. A hint. And if you ever go to Norway and remember me, we call it the Norway tax and home. I love it. And she came over to our table and she said to me, This is for you. And I looked and I thought, I'll go suck a lot of And I as I looked, I looked over at Diane and she said, It's not for you, remember?
I still love you. And and all of a sudden I got onto the holy power of what God was about. It was a holy power because God had put something in my hands. It wasn't just the healing, the paralysis. Got to put a bar of chocolate in my hand, and that's either me or you said something to her was you should give it to her.
And I just said, This is for you. I mean, it's not like a little bit. It's not like the things you get. We had we had two picnics on the way up. I mean, picnic. Picnic used to be a picnic. You remember picnics now, the picnic? Yes. Wagon. You can put that in a car now, could you? Anyway, sorry.
I'm warning you that it was this big. And that's put it in a hand. I think you said or I said, this is a sign for you, righteous and ever forsaken, and that children never bake bread. I swear we came in. She had no chocolate for her children and hadn't chocolate for children for ages. You start to cry, she said.
I've been praying to God that I could just buy my children chocolate. And she cried. She didn't need krona. She needed chocolate. So I said, I don't want you to have a spiritual. I so miss what I'm trying to tell you here. It's so ordinary, this holy power. When you make yourself available to the Spirit, the world is your oyster.
It can be anything. It can be a text message, it can be money, it can be a healing, it can be an act of kindness. All you're doing is saying, I am this same way. But every time you know something, in both those moments, the devil was put to flight because fear went out the door. Love came in, hope came, restoration came.
That's what I'm talking about. I love the miracles I all that and I love the dynamics and I love people falling on the floor and I love all that. But to see a lady who's paralyzed simply get her face back. And to see another lady who just says, I just want my kids to have chocolate and God says, I heard you, and this is British guy who give it to you, and when he gives it to you, it's going to cost them a lot as pray tonight, we're going to continue this.
I, I hope this has helped you somewhat as well. You're sitting I'm learning to stop asking God to give me what he's already given me. Yeah, well, Lord, I want more of you. I want more of this power. I want this. And he says, Son, you have everything you need. You have me. Roger. It's time to start giving it away.
More. Don't doubt yourself, would you just kindly. But you sitting, just hold out your hands before the Lord don't feel to lay hands on anybody. You don't need hands laid on you today, this morning anyway, you remember God said, We're back at the beginning of our time. I'm going to stretch out my Moses. You stretch out your Jesus said everything I do, I do by the finger.
Well, the spirit of God, which is talking about the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is the one who's living in you right now. And here's the question the Lord is asking you right now. What have I put in your hand? What's in your hand? Now, for some of you here, become very specific. He's not saying, but I'm going to give you it says, What's in your hand.
I've already given you that. For some of you, you might be facing something, we think. Lord, Yes, he may be looking down you weak since you've already got that you have that. You have it. You have that power now. Don't need to ask him for more power now. Could I just ask you to do one more thing? He's ask you what's in your hand.
You say it's this Lord, You say, I hear you as a response. Would you just keep your hands in front of you and just stand there? Stand to your feet. Yeah, I hear you, Lord. I hear you. This is you and him. And you say, What do I do with this? You say, I'll let you know when he might say to you, I don't know.
I don't mean to interfere. He'll tell you and lead you and guide you. But today no one is leaving here empty handed because you have the holy power, the same holy power that Moses had that day when he threw down his stuff. And he might think nothing of it. You might think it's so ordinary what he's put in your hand, like a bar of chocolate, but that has the power to crush the works of the devil because we are not playing games, but we all get to play.
We all get involved. Let's just stand in his presence now and I'm going to hand back to Jeff. Jeff will come and lead us. Heavenly Father, thank you. You're the same God today is Mount Moses and we have a sense we're on holy ground. But more importantly, we are holy people with a holy power to do good in whatever shape or form we thank you, Jesus.
You are no longer confined, but you've come global and we thank you. You're in Southport right now because you're living here among friends and your people give us that sense. I thank you.